Under the Neem Tree

The knowledge module of the program was delivered by Ms. Maninder J. Class rooms were available, nevertheless, it was decided that these modules be delivered in natural environs...


240 children of the Gujarati medium participated in this exhibition. They were given the theme 'Preserving and Cherishing the Earth' that they had to research. After collecting information on the topic, they were asked to work out key messages that communicated the concepts. Then the students searched out suitable visuals to illustrate their key messages...

Creative Solutions

A polluted environment is the result of a polluted consciousness: The real key is reducing the material desires that fuel the industrial complex, that produces the pollutants, that spoil the environment...

Motivation Summit

This was the final event where the students showcased their learning experience to an audience of parents, teachers and friends. The event was organized at the St. Xavier's plaza...

Sponsor Interaction

As is the set policy with every SAGE project, the sponsor is invited midway to review the project and satisfy himself that it is going according to his satisfaction...


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Last modified: 07/23/04