**** D: Scene Audio Visual Expressions, Faces and Gestures in Wrestling # 14 "( gestures: d:1.)". Moral:
But his
death, but his program to Political-Social,unknown to most people. definitely
situating it in the category of symbol. And the people walk symbols.And
also sets goals through ellos. It moves the spectacle of men, sintiendoses
persecuted and abandoned, not resigned or are corrupted. Amaury's courage
had to be based on idealistic scheme at least worthy of respect. A 24
year old man does not reject if without reasonable idealistic and if it
lacks honesty. On his honesty seems to attest his decition to die fighting
as he had stated in writing. Accustomed as we are, to Ias bluster, thought
his words was not a decition most nearly mistica.Otra facet of his honesty:
the perpetrators, according revealed, not even a chele found in Ios pockets,
let alone the loot banking which put him outside the Law. D: Escena Audio Visual Expresiones,Rostros y Gestos en Lucha Libre #14 "(Gestos d: 1. ) ". DESCRIPTIVA PAGINA 3- REVISTA RENOVACION: (A/Top/arriba): Collage Revista Renovacion con diferentes graficas de los pertrechos militares y logísticos encontrados en la casa donde los los Comandos de la Resistencia (4). estuvieron en la clandestinidad por mas de 9 meses.La misma se encuentra en las co-ordenadas kilometro 14, Autopista de las Americas. ( SDQ ). (B/side Left: Titulo Analisis periodístico (de fondo ) por el periodista Gregorio Garcia Castro sobre los Pro y Contras del Combate del 12 de Enero de 1972. (Causas y Efectos (Reacción ).Para: La Revista Renovacion 1972. (C/side right): Panteon o Nicho donde reposan los restos de los 4 Revolucioanrios Lideres de los Comandos de la ResistenciaRD/sdq.- El mismo se encuenta en el lado sur/este (bis) del Cementerio Municipal de la Ave.Maximo Gomez, D.N.-de la Republica Dominicana. **** (A/Top/top): Collage Magazine Renewal with several graphs of the military equipment and logistical found in the house where the commands of the Resistance (4), were in hiding for more than 9 months.The same is found in the co-ordinates kilometer 14, highway of the Americas. ( SDQ ). (B/side Left: Title journalistic analysis (background) by the journalist Gregory Garcia Castro on the pros and cons of the combat of the January 12 1972. (Causes and effects (Reaction ) .For: The Magazine 1972 renewal. (C/side right): Pantheon or niche where lie the remains of the 4 Revolucioanrios leaders of the commands of the resistanceRD/sdq.- The same is to be found on the south side/this (bis) of the Municipal Cemetery of the Ave. Máximo Gómez, D. N. -of the Dominican Republic.