homethe hairfaq/about me


Emony, Lauremony, qaf_chick, Betty Will

July 19, 1982

Web Design Skills:
Spotty at Best

Other Skills:
English Literature (as of this launch, I'm a month and a half from earning my HBA)
Acting (next stop, Theatre School!)
Creative Writing

Eric Szmanda
Fabrizio Filippo
Queer as Folk
Donnie Darko
Gale Harold
All Things Oriental
My Bed
Video Games

Homophobia, Biphobia, Heterophobia, Arachnophobia
That Math is Necessary in Day to Day Life

Chinese Food (particularly Wonton Soup w/ BBQ Pork)
Caesar Salad
Pasta Primavera
Anything Mom Makes

Moist/David Usher
Dirty Vegas
Industrial Electronica/Soft Metal/Punk
Anything from QAF

Frequently Asked Questions

What's With the Picture?
It was my 21st birthday, I dressed up like a princess, and I'm hammered out of my tree at the gay bar. Otherwise, that's basically what I look like.

What's With this Site??
Fair enough. I'll grant you that building an entire website focusing solely on a person's hair is a little weird. However, I've had the idea to chronicle Greg Sanders' hairstyles for a long time, and this website was the eventual outcome of that idea. I'm a creative person and a newly born CSI nut. This seemed the natural course of action.

Okay, but then Why Didn't You Make a Regular Fansite?
Well, two reasons. One: I already own an actor fansite, a darn good one if I do say so myself, and it's hard work. Embarking on another such project is just not something I'm willing to commit to, especially if the quality of either one might be compromised. Two: there is already a phenomenal Eric fansite out there, ES:UK, and I don't want to even try to compete with it.

You Say You Like Eric, Yet You're Making Fun of Him All Over this Site! What Gives?
I'm not "making fun," it's good-natured ribbing. There's a big difference. I'm sure Eric knows he has entertaining hair, and I suspect that he does it on purpose. And, if I were him, I wouldn't much care what one girl from Canada thinks about me, anyway. Truth be told, I admire his style, it's a big part of why I'm such a fan. I have this philosophy: If you're not laughing, you're doing it wrong. So, please evaluate this site accordingly.

Can You Put Me in Touch With Eric?
Yeah, I suppose I could, but I'm too lazy. Again, I direct you to ES:UK, which has all of his current contact information.

Contact me at superklutz@hotmail.com