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The "Faux-Hawk"

Technically, the hairstyle pictured above is not an authentic "faux-hawk." The faux-hawk is a legitimate hairstyle sported by those preppy hardcore-wannabe boys who are trying to evoke images of Sum 41 (or whichever mainstream punk-pop band the kids are listening to these days) to impress their equally preppy hardcore-wannabe girlfriends without actually taking the plunge and making the cut. If you don't know what I'm talking about, well, check this out. Yup, Eric's worn one, too.

This is not to say that I think Eric is a preppy hardcore-wannabe, far from it, but another excuse to look at a picture of Eric is another excuse to look at a picture of Eric.
Okay, back to the hairstyle in question. I'm not willing to call this a true mohawk for a couple of reasons. First, there is still hair on the sides, albeit short. Second, a true mohawk is a thinner band of hair which stands out on an otherwise bald head, and there is no mistaking it from any angle. Eric's hair, however, can appear to be a normal spiky cut if viewed from the front, thusly:

Therefore, although clearly not a mohawk, I feel that this hairstyle is closer to what a faux-hawk should really be about than the technical version. It's also one of my personal favourites. Too bad it only lasts one episode of CSI.

On to The "Got Blowed Up Real Good"

Contact me at superklutz@hotmail.com