homethe hairfaq/about me

Click on the name to view a photo and description of each hairstyle. There are plenty more to be added, so check back soon. Do you have an Eric Hairstyle to share with the world? Email me and I'll add it right away!

For all you purists out there, please be advised that I have indeed lumped the hairstyles worn by Eric's television characters in with the ones worn by Eric himself. My reasons are twofold: One) they're all on the same man's head, after all, and Two) most people tend to agree that Greg Sanders' personal style is modeled directly after Eric's, anyway. Now stop bugging me.

The "I Think the Peroxide Seeped Into My Brain"
The "Are Those Curls?"
The "Liam"
The "Those Are Totally Curls!"
The "Liam II"
The "Clay Aiken"
The "Ringo"
The "Carmen Miranda"
The "I Just Rolled Out of Bed and Came to Work After Sleeping in My Clothes"
The "I Just Rolled Out of Bed and Came to Work After Sleeping in My Clothes II"
The ". . ."
The "Frank the Rooster"
The "Why You Should Always Keep An Extra Jar of Pomade Handy"
The "Faux-Hawk"
The "Got Blowed Up Real Good"
The "Flock of Seagulls"
The "I Got Drunk and Then Cut My Own Hair"
The "Antigravity"
The "Yup, the Peroxide Seeped Into My Brain"
The "Raw Sewage Never Looked This Good"
The "Pomp Nouveau"
The "Quintessential Greg"
The "Let's Strip Naked, Snort Coke, and Join a Bisexual Bondage Orgy!"
The "Prepomp"
The "Billy Idol"
The "Neither Did We, Sara"
The "Bushwhacker's Guide to Modelling"
The "Reverse Mullet"
The "Post-Pomp"

Don't forget, I'm always looking for new hairstyles, so if you find a picture or a screenie that I don't have here, send it on over! I'll be sure to give you credit.

Contact me at superklutz@hotmail.com