homethe hairfaq/about me

Welcome to Eric's Hair, the premiere place on the Web for following the twists and turns of that effervescent entity known as Eric Szmanda's coiffure. Here you can enjoy the spectacle of this harrowing hairstyle in its many permutations, embellished with some editorial commentary. Mr. Szmanda's constantly shifting style is a mystery that may never be fully solved, but here at Eric's Hair, we're sure going to try.

Help Make Eric's 30th a Great One!

Last Update: March 24, 2005. Two New Styles Added. Taking Affiliates :)

ES:UK EFN Forum Unofficially Eric Wegg's Greggo

Think you'd like to link to Eric's Hair? Go ahead and grab a button, and thanks for the support.

Legal Disclaimer: As should be quite evident, I have no connection to Mr. Szmanda or related entities, except that I happen to be a big fan. Additionally, I'm profiting in no way from the use of his likeness or anything else on this site. In fact, it's costing me.

Additional Disclaimer: If you're looking for a quality fansite, you've come to the wrong place. Try ES:UK or the newly relaunched UE. Both are phenomenal, comprehensive websites, and I could never compete. Think of this as a "funsite" instead. Like a "funtain," but drier.

Contact me at superklutz@hotmail.com

Launched March 8, 2005. Version 1.0
This site is part of the emony collective.