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eTalk Daily - September 5, 2003

An interview with Woody Harrelson and Fab about their play, This is Our Youth.

Woody took this job of directing the play to get back to his roots in theatre. He lived a life similar to those in the play.

Joining the ranks of Matt Damon and Freddie Prinze, Jr., Canadian stage and screen star Fabrizio Filippo is the latest to play one of the play's lost souls.

Fab: It's just so alive and on fire. If you want to come and see me sweat, come see this show because it's just raging and ranting. It's great!

?: What's it like working with a natural born director?

Fab: Even though we all recognize that there are heavy things in the play, there are issues, his main thing right now is, "let's get it so that it's fun, it's entertaining. Then we'll dig down once we're, like, there", which is actually quite refreshing.

On a personal level, I love hanging out with the guy because he just is who he is. He really puts on few 'airs,' no airs at all.



The Red Carpet - Festival Schmooze September 5, 2003 StarTV

Maggie: Here is the cast of Hollywood North.

Jennifer: I made out with both of these men in the movie. I sat on top of Fabrizio naked.
Maggie: I know a lot of women out there who would like to sit on Fabrizio naked!

Maggie: Fab, you always look fabulous. Tell me what you're wearing tonight.
Fab: Tonight I'm wearing a suit that my uncle bought me in Italy. A pal of his [from] around the corner - he measured me. We just went in. I don't even know what it is, he made it himself.


Screen shots from Hollywood North


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