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![]() Name: Lauren A.K.A.: Emony, Lauremony, qaf_chick, Betty Will Birthday: July 19, 1982 (that means I'm 22, genius) Web Design Skills: Spotty at Best Other Skills: English Literature (in the Honours year of my H.B.A.) Acting Singing Creative Writing Soap Making Loves: Fabrizio Filippo Queer as Folk Eric Szmanda CSI Waydowntown Donnie Darko Gale Harold All Things Oriental Cats Peppermint My Bed Video Games Hates: Homophobia, Biphobia, Heterophobia, Arachnophobia That Math is Necessary in Day to Day Life Jerks Foods: Chinese Food (particularly Wonton Soup w/ BBQ Pork) Caesar Salad Pasta Primavera Seafood Anything Mom Makes Music: Moist/David Usher Dirty Vegas Red Hot Chili Peppers R.E.M. Anything from QAF Typical Playlist: Mad World - Donnie Darko OST, Blue - Angie Hart, Hear Me Out - Frou Frou, Ladykiller - Lush, Ridiculous Thoughts - Cranberries, Overboard - The Rosenbergs, Miss You Love - Silverchair, Poses - Rufus Wainwright, Carnival - Natalie Merchant, Heart Shaped Box - Nirvana, Sweetness Follows - REM, Symbolistic White Walls - Matthew Good Band, Drive - Incubus Frequently Asked Questions What's With the Picture? It was my 21st birthday, I dressed up like a princess, and I'm hammered out of my tree at the gay bar. Wasn't this site originally named "Ethaholics Anonymous" / Where'd the Ethan stuff go? In fact, this site used to be nothing more than an Ethan shrine on my QAF site, Guilty Pleasures. However, as my appreciation for Fab grew, I decided it deserved to be a site all it's own, so Ethaholics Anonymous was born. Then, when it became clear to me that theming the site around only one of Fab's many characters was not doing him justice, I redid the site and named it after one of his plays, "Things are Falling Always." As for the Ethan section, I've retired it. I still love Ethan, but he's no longer on QAF, and one mustn't live in the past. Can you put me in touch with Fab? / Why don't you have any contact information listed on the site? I wish! I'm flattered that this site seems professional enough to give the impression that I'm somehow connected, but this is merely a fansite. I have nothing at all to do with Fab or his "people," with the brief exception of having met him personally in October 03. As for the contact info, all the mail addresses I've seen go back to either Odeon Films (Waydowntown) or Temple Street Productions (Queer as Folk). Since these are both quite out of date now, I don't see much point in posting them. Of course, once I find a reliable address, I'll provide it. Wait, did you just say you met Fab?? Indeed I did. Check out the Fab Live section for details. |