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Fab's appearance on 10 to Watch: StarTV, April 6th, 2003

He is SO cute!


I auditioned for the school play, which was Grease, and I got the part. I could play the guitar and sing, and I was really excited about it. And then I discovered that I could act. I'd never taken an acting lesson, it was very natural to me, and I think the first time I made an audience laugh, it was over. I just wanted that.

Making movies with his friends!

The first year that I was acting professionally, the first year that I had an agent and I was going out on auditions, that summer was really dry for me, and I just went,"Okay, I'm going to make my own movie," and I was probably 17 years old. So I got a video camera and got a bunch of friends together and over that summer, we made a movie. I actually finished it, and scored it, and put it together and it was an amazing experience.

On set of Hollywood North with Jennifer Tilly

"I play a method-y actor who, in the movie-within-the-movie, plays a Columbian revolutionary, and it was just the most fun. Me and Jennifer Tilly have these crazy, over-the-top love scenes that are just hilarious."

There are three things I am recognized most from. One is a TV show called Ready or Not that I was on. Another is Waydowntown, and another is Queer As Folk. With Waydowntown, this guy completely freaks out on the street. "You're that...guy...that that movie...with the building...that's my stupid life!" With QAF, this 12-year old girl comes up and says, "Me and my mom watch your show all the time." And I'm like, "Hiiiii...," you know, because of the nature of the show, I'm like, you and your mom have seen me pretty much naked, you know, having sex with a guy. Which is alright with most people, but you're talking to a 12-year old, right?

As an actor, the thing you look for is the chance to jump off a cliff, essentially, the chance to sort of put blinders on and go. I'm this person in these, whatever, in these 30 seconds that we're shooting this thing, I'm this person. I really got to experience that with QAF and I got to go wherever I needed to go. And I promised myself I wouldn't do it in a fearful way. I promised myself that if I did this show, I'd go the distance and I really did. I felt like I really did.

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