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This, verbatim, is my journal entry from the evening of October 4, 2003. I'm sharing it with you in the hopes that you can live it vicariously through me . . . so don't get your knickers in a knot if I sometimes sound shallow or gushy, K?

I really want to start this with some kind of deadpan sarcastic remark about the show being okay, the seats being kinda far away, the weather being awfully nice for this time of year . . . you know, something funny. But I really can't think of anything but how incredible this experience has been. I don't even know where to start.

It was a wonderful play. I'll get to it in a minute. There are matters nearer the forefront of my mind right now.

So I'll get to it. Yes, I met Fab. I shook his hand three times and had a picture taken. He was absolutely the nicest, most engaging person to talk to. I won't pretend I had the presence of mind to say anything clever or even especially intelligent, but I had my two minutes of face time and he was very generous with it.

I did overhear him talking with some other fans, and he said exactly what we've already heard: he's working on writing and producing his own television series, and he's been talking to the QAF producers about the possibility of bringing back Ethan (fingers crossed).

What else . . . he's short! as tall as me. He was very keyed up and he flashed his smile all over the place. He thanked me twice for coming all the way from Thunder Bay. There is no doubt in my mind that he is as great a person as I imagined him to be. I just wish I'd had cigarettes, I could've had a smoke with him. What an absolutely gorgeous smile.

I'll get to the play in a second. There's just one other minor detail . . . you see, as we were walking into the theatre, my mom (yes, I was with my mom, what's it to ya?) said quietly to me, "Lauren, isn't that Gale Harold?" and I rolled my eyes and said, "No, no way." but I went back and looked anyway and . . . well, you know where this is going.

Now, here's the thing about Gale Harold. He is very, very intimidating. Especially since I've heard so much about how he's reticent and shy with his fans, and plus he was having a conversation with some people. Nonetheless, in my moment of shock and stupefaction I went for it. I walked up with pen and notebook in hand and gave him my most apologetic, "Excuse me, Mr. Harold, may I have your autograph?" and, despite some rather insensitive remarks from his friends, he asked for my name and signed for me. I thanked him very politely and fairly ran away. And, despite his being within about 20 feet of me for the entire show, I didn't bother him again. But I looked. And yes, he is. Maybe even more so in person. And tall! like, I came up to his chest and I'm 5'5 in two inch heels.

For those of you who might like to know these things, he was wearing jeans and a thigh-length black leather coat. His hair is kinda longish, think early season one. Later I saw him in a plain black T-shirt. He hadn't shaved for a day or two. And he did (eventually) give me a smile - GaleMyBabyDaddy, you really oughtta see the snaggletooth up close.

Also while I was waiting for Fabrizio to come down into the lobby, I saw Makyla Smith walk over to talk to Gale. I didn't interrupt, though - like I said, Gale Harold is intimidating. Nice to see her without pigtails, though. I didn't get a chance to meet Marya Delver, she took off right away. Beautiful woman, though. Great legs.

And it happened that we were talking about getting autographs with a woman in the lobby who assured us that the actors were very personable and gracious. Then, when Marcello Cabezas came downstairs, she went up and gave him a kiss. The she introduced me (by name) to her boyfriend. Marcello was extremely friendly and very appreciative of our comments - he even asked if we were involved in theatre and I could actually say yes! I got his autograph on my play poster as well.

I think that's it for the star sightings - I'm still so amazed at how it turned out that I barely believe I met Gale and Fab. What a birthday present.

Okay, four pages later, the play.

It opened with Fab's character, lying asleep on the couch. I'll admit it, the initial glee of seeing him in the flesh combined with being able to glance slightly to my left and see Gale (freakin') Harold did distract me slightly. However, very quickly I (almost) forgot about that because the show was so absorbing. Fab was already sweating by 20 minutes in, he just had so much energy. He had all the mannerisms, the expressions, the voices of a manic drug addict with a big bank account and a fucked up family - I actually forgot sometimes that I was looking at Fabrizio (freakin') Filippo. Still limping a little. (As you may have heard, he fractured his foot in rehearsals.) His snap in act two had my eyes welling up.

Marcello was incredible. His character was the submissive sidekick who actually had much more to be upset about than Dennis, but his subtlety was amazing. He had me on the verge of tears as well.

Marya's part was smaller and the character didn't have as much to do (certainly not the 20 minute rants and the leaping all over the place that had me tired just watching Fab). Still, I really enjoyed watching her live. Her character was at once adorable and infuriatingly flaky, and she's got a gorgeous decollette (read: rack) that you certainly didn't get to see in WDT. Very funny little scene with the joint and the casually running for water as she coughed up a lung.

I stood up for the curtain call. Seeing such a professionally done show with such incredibly talented performers was a privilege I will never forget - who knows, maybe thiswill inspire me to do better in my own performances.

Have I forgotten any detail? I want to record them all. Meeting Gale Harold was mind-blowing and unexpected and the experience with Fabrizio was phenomenal. I am so, so lucky. And now I own a pen that's been touched by the two most gorgeous men I've ever seen. (Yes, do intend to wash the part of my back that Fab's arm was on, but I'll probably never use that pen again.)

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