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So, turns out a few of my messageboardmates (I think I just invented a new word) were also there that night - here's another report of the evening from Phantom Minuet. She was in the big group that met him right before I did. Small world.

On Saturday, a group of us Fab fans went to the Berkley Street Theater an hour early to make sure we got front row seats to the play. As we enter the theater, who should be limping across the lobby, but one Fabrizio Filippo. Yup. Our raison d'etre. So Delicious, who is fearless, goes up to him and says there's are some big fans of his here tonight, and he tells her to stick around after the show.

So, we're holding our places at the foot of the stairs, when someone notices that Gale Harold just showed up in the courtyard outside the theater. Yup. He was there with some folks who we believe are QAF crew. And we're thinking, how cool is this, that Gale is here to see Fab perform?

Anyway, we're finally seated--front row center--where we proceed to watch Fab act the holy hell out of his part. I'm serious. All adoration for his cuteness and impressive kissing ability aside, he was absolutely brilliant. His character, Dennis, is the showpiece role in the play...a frenetic, profane, coked-up, and screwed-up young man of privilege with a tendency to be cruel to cover up his own anxieties, but, as Fab played him, he was also touching and funny and amusingly obnoxious...and always absolutely rivetting. Marcello Cabezas was also excellent as Warren and so very funny, but his Warren is as low-key as Dennis is off the wall.

After the play, we stand around in the lobby, hoping Fab might actually come out and talk to us, when I see Marcello walking down the stairs. I call out to him how marvelous I thought he was. He's incredibly gracious and comes over and talks to the group about the production and how it came about. Then he asks us how we heard about the play. There's a moment of guilty silence as we all look at each other, and then Sweety says we're all big fans of Fab's. Marcello seems amused and then looks up the stairs and says, "And there he is."

And sure enough, there he is, in all his grungy apres-theatre glory. He worked up quite a sweat in the production, which I so wanted to lick off of him, starting at the hollow of his throat and working my way up that gorgeous tendon in his neck...

But I digress.

Anyhoo, I try to get his attention, but he's moving over to a group of folks near the door. Only it isn't a group of's Gale. Then they give each other a hug that could be seen all the way in Winnipeg. Not a perfunctory "well done, former colleague" kind of hug, but a "wrap your arms around your buddy and hang on" kind of hug.

It was charming.

Anyway, after he finishes speaking with Gale, I motion Fab over, and our darling boy--who is so much more beautiful in person that it's hard to describe without drooling--comes over and proceeds to dazzle us. He shakes everyone's hands, asks their names, and asks where we're from. When he hears New York, Detroit, and Nashville, he looks surprised, makes a typically self-deprecating Canadian comment, and we're off. We tell him how much we loved Ethan. A couple of folks even say they'd like to see him come back (not me--I think he's better than QAF), and he teases us with a comment that seems to indicate that there has been some discussion of that very thing. Grendel then tells him that we really missed seeing him at TIFF for the "Hollywood North" premiere. He tells us that was the day he broke his foot (hence the limp), and then he looks startled (all big eyes and fabulous mouth) and asks if we were the ones who sent him the basket of chocolate. We were. Actually, Grendel was, but she graciously included us in her largesse. We talk a little more, and he reveals himself to be a total doll baby--animated and sweet-natured and personable. But all good things must come to an end, and he finally leave to go outside to smoke with Gale. However, Puffgirl and Sweety did get their pictures made with him before we left the theater. We finish up the night bar-hopping and reliving our close encounter of the Fab kind.

So color me utterly captivated. I'm seriously thinking about quitting my day job and becoming a full-time Fab groupie.

You and me both, sista. You and me both.

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