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Hey You Hooksetters!

In an article a while back, I was reminded that you should not change the oil in your truck before you go fishing as the oil scent on your hands will make it difficult to catch fish. Most fish do have a good sense of taste and will pick up a bait and spit it out rather quickly if it doesn't taste right. Many anglers use fish formulas, or so called fish attractant. There are many to chose from, in multiple flavors (most are pretty to the fish). But seriously, I think that these fish formulas can help you catch fish. The most important thing that they do is mask our human scents. Remember that most plastic baits today already have some kind of scent put into them. It might be salt, or garlic, or some other fish type odor. When using this type of plastic bait, the only thing you need fish formulas for is to mask your scent. You might want to put some of the formula on your hands before you handle the bait. This will eliminate the need to pour the fish formula all over the bait. Now remember that you have this scent all over your hands before you eat your sandwich for lunch in the boat, as I'm sure that the bass might like it, but it may not sit well with your lunch. I do know of many people that use these fish formula on almost every bait they throw, crankbaits included. They will put plenty on too. The one thing that I know about fishing is that what ever you use and have confidence in is the right thing for you to do. When the bite seems to be tough, and I am fishing a slower bait like a worm or lizard, or a pig and jig I will use a fish formula. I do feel that it helps and it increases my confidence that I will catch a fish. I not sure if it really does or not but as long as I believe it helps me, it will. So try, a little fish formula, but put it on your hands before you handle the bait, no need to pour it all over the bait if the bait already has scent in it. The real thing that you must do is eliminate some of the human scent that we pick up like oil and gas when we fill up in the morning, sun tan lotion as the sun rises in the sky, or mustard from your sandwich. It is not what we add, but more of what we take away. Smell you on the lake!

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