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Pet Fish
Submitted by: Chuck

Subject: Pet Fish
A man walked away from the best fishing area at this lake. He carried 2 big buckets full of fish. The game warden saw him and said, 'Hey,you have too many fish for your limit. I will have to write you a ticket.' The man said, 'Oh, but these are my pet fish.' The game wardenlooks at him in amazement and says, 'I don't believe you.' The man said, 'Yes, these are my pet fish. Everyday I come to this spot and let the fish out so they can play with their friends. After a while I put the bucket in the water and slap my hand on the top of the water and the pet fish come swimming back into the bucket.' The game warden says, ' I have got to see this. Do it again.' So the man goes over to the edge of the lake and lets out the fish from both buckets. The game warden says, ' OK, now get your pet fish back.' The man says, ' What fish ?'

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