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Misty Memory

I traveled here in the dark of night,
to await the break of Dawn.
Traversing the hill down to the brook,
I slipped on the wet grass.
I sit here now, hot coffee in hand,
waiting for the miracle to start.

Slivers of light, apricot pale;
tear at the veil of night.
Luminous Luna bows to her lord;
and he smiles, golden in her presence.

The birds in the trees sing his praise,
to the company of the babbling brook.
And, as he ascends; the night dew
turns to vapor, and I am hugged
in a cloud of mist.

It was then that I saw him!

Arising out of the mist~~~~
Feet planted firmly in the water.
His presence, an ache in my heart.
His back was turned to me.
And he never did see,
my eyes; as I watched him that morn.

His movements were graceful,
as he practiced his art.
Each fish was lovingly released.
And I watched in awe.
As this god of a man,
sang sedution to the fishes below.

Sudden rain clouds appeared,
borne in on the winds.
And I scrambled to go up the hill.
But, I couldn't resist
one backward glance at him,
that I'd watched all morn.

He had gone as he'd come.
Swallowed up in the rain,
leaving no footprints behind.
Taking with him; a piece of my heart.

© RUA 3/3/99

This poem is used with permission of the poet. She is a talented writer and if you would like to see more of her work please visit her website.
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