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SunRae writes: These next two stories come from the northern part of Maine. Having lived in this area at one time, I can tell you that the fishing is good!

Ice Fishing Adventures
by: David Farley
AKA: Bassbuster

story 1 goes with picture above;

My Buddy John, and I went to a secluded lake in Central Maine for a day of Ice Fishing. We got there early and loaded up the snowmobile, so we could get to the lake. We started cutting holes, and setting traps. We got one all done, and was setting the other one when WHAM! A flag goes up. So John went to bring the fish in while i stayed there to finish setting this one. I get done and went over to see what he got, it was a Brown Trout about 14" long. ( A Keeper) We reset it and went on our way to set the others. We got 2 more set when WHAM! another one goes up. This Time I went to haul it in. Not knowing what I would get I set the hook and started pulling it in. John hollars from another hole "WHAT IS IT?" I say "I DON'T KNOW YET, BUT WHAT EVER IT IS IT'S BIG!" I bring it in and to my suprise its a Bass. But a big one at that. About a 4.5 lb one. While i'm resetting the trap the line takes off. ZZZZ, ZZZZZ, the reel goes. I let him have it for a min or two and yank on the line to set this hook. Only this time its heavier than the last. while i'm doing this WHAM! another flag goes up. John, who is still at our makeshift camp, hollars "HEY! ANOTHER ONE JUST WENT UP!" "YOU WANT TO HURRY UP WITH THAT ONE?" "SO YOU CAN GET THE NEW ONE!" Me , still pulling this one in says, "AH, I'M A LITTLE BUSY RIGHT NOW BUDDY!" "CAN YOU GET IT?" John waves and says "I'LL GET IT!" "LET ME DO IT!" I wave and chuckle as i bring this big fish in. "HOLEY MOLEY!" Its another Bass and even bigger! About 5 lbs. I don't even get to reset it this time and theres another flag. I run over and set the hook. Oh Boy, its another big one i bring it in and its another 5 lb Bass. John, brings his in and its a 5 lb Bass too. To make a long story short........ This went on for about 3 hrs and all about 4-5 lb Bass. I got a Buddy at work who is a semi pro Bass fisherman, so i had John take a Pic of me with 2 of the Bass. One in each hand. We cleared out of there at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, with Smiles on our faces and Stories to tell. On our minds, it was a Very Good Day!

story 2

This is a story about My Son, (David Jr) My Buddy, (John) and Me on an Ice Fishing Trip Durring the 1999 season. One Saturday, We decided to go ice fishing for Pike, on Sabbatis Lake. We arrived at about 7am, and quickly started cutting holes in the ice with the auger. We have a pretty good system worked out for doing this wit 3 ppl. One cuts holes, one skim's, and the other sounds, baits, and sets the traps into place. We cut about 15 holes that day, and had them all set and ready for some action! There was about 10 other people fishing that day, and Flags were going up everywhere. Except ours. Well you can imagine the disapointment for us. We had set traps about 50 yds apart from each other, and had them in a zig zag pattern all over the place. The furthest one was about 200 yds away from us so to see it clearly, you had to look through binoculars. We were having some coffee, Hot Chocolate, and snaks waiting for a flag. Well these guy's beside us were getting flags all the time, and were running to their traps to get the fish. Our furthest one was about 50 ft from one of theirs that had been going up a lot. All of a sudden one of our flags goes up, Holey Moley!!! WE got one finally, we yell to my son and point to the trap ------> LOOK! He runs over to it and the reel isspinning like theres no tomorrow! WE watch as is slows down and stops, "He's ready!" we say. My son pulls the trap out and grabs the line, sets the hook and starts pulling the fish in. Well he gets about half way in and the "FISH" decides He don't want to come in yet and takes off. My son mind you is still holding on to the line when this happens and....... He goes Down! Yep right on the ice, arm in water. John, and I look at each other and say "O BOY, He's a Good One!" We pull Davy out of the hole and help him bring the "FISH" in. We get him to the hole and Pike as you know can't be brought up like other fish because they're So Long. So we play him a little and then tell Davy "Bring him up and lets take a look-see at him!" He does and let me tell you folks......" It was one of the Biggest Pike i've ever seen!" He was 28" long, and weighed 6lbs. Davy's eyes were as big as Coke Bottles, lookin at this fish. And I was Very Pleased that he caught the BIG One! We caught others that day but this was the Biggest of the day! And We were the only one's who caught any Pike at all too, the other people were only catching Bass, and Yellow Perch we found out later on. Oh and by the way, That "FISH" qualified him for "The One That Didn't Get Away Club"! Its a club formed by the Me I.F.&W. for kids that catch fish tha are Trophy sized.

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