promoting peace and tolerance |
Purpose | A - C | D - F | G - I | J - L | M - O | P - R | S - U | V - Z |
We, as patriotic Americans, oppose on moral grounds the United States taking further military action against Iraq now. The Iraqi people have already suffered enough through more than two decade of war and severe economic sanctions. Military action against the government of Saddam Hussein and its aftermath could result in a large number of civilians being killed or wounded, as well as increasing the suffering of multitudes of innocent people. It would also result in many American young men and women losing their lives in an unnecessary and illegitimate war. | U.S. military action at this time has great potential to further destabilize the region. It is likely tat international support for the war on terrorism will erode if the United States attacks Iraq. Militants in Arab and Islamic majority countries would seize the opportunity to incite people against not only the United State but also against governments that cooperate with the U.S. An invasion of Iraq would divert attention from the need to seek ways to reduce international terrorism and would retard efforts to restore stability in Afghanistan. |
Sasha Acker Angie Addington Mark Addington Jack Armstrong Mac Armstrong Whitney Armstrong Annie Belunas Rev. E. Maynard Beal Jean T. Beal Jeannene Beebe Veda Bergalia Dan Bissell, Diane Boulais Jennifer Branning Mark Branning Jeff Brogren Lawrence A. Brower Ann Byzniak Elizabeth Caldwell-Bissell Robert G. Clayton Daniel Connolly Renee Berggren Connoy
Sally DefreitiasAlice Dennison Ed Dennison Chaz Dila George Dila Judith Dila Ruth Bloom Dimmitt Kristie Dobias Rev. Joe Elenbass Mary Elenbaas Diann Neil Engblade Eric Engblade Mairead Engblade Mystique Engle
Kathy FahlsingCarol Farley Rebecca Fox, Lynn Gable, Kent H. Gage, Peg Haskins gage, Gus Geil, Ruth Geil, Kris Genter, Charles E. Gumina, Chrissie Hall, Dave Hall, Lisa Hammond, Bob Hardy, Sue Harrison, William Harrison, Michele R. Higgs, Bill Hillman, June Hillman, Diana Hoepfinger, Lynn Hoepfinger, Charlotte E. Holly, Candy Hopkins, Florence Mary Houk, J. Russell Houk, Loren Houtman, Lynette Houtman
Sarah Jensen, Julia Johnson, Katy Joseph, Katy Joseph, Tim Joseph, Wanda Joseph, Micelle King-Kramer, Bruce G. Kinney, Gail Kowalski, Joan Larsen, Pam Lewis, Betty Ligon, Walter Ligon, Laura Lyons
Dan Mahynski, Marie Marfia, John Markov, Mary Markov, Gerry Mayer, Irene Mayer, Patrick McFarlane, John Mencarelli, Susan Mencarelli, Louisa Meyer, Don Miesch, Brenda Moloney, Heidi Moloney, Joe Moloney, Rebecca Mott, Mary Murton, Annie Nielsen, David Nixon, Steve Oliver, Lorraine Oseland
John Palko, Muriel Palko, Zoe Palko, Anne Pettigrew, Richard Puffer, Alison Puffer, Julia Raddatz, Brenda Reeber, George Reeber, Ida Rees
Mary Schinnerer, Janet Schultz, Ruby Schultz, Bob Sculley, Bill Seeley, Judith Hain Seeley, Margaret Shaw, Sylvia Shrauger, Dallas Simpson, Ken Smith, Anne Soles, Marianne Strickland, Robert Strickland, Tandy Sturgeon, Josh Swenson, Mellissa M. Tyler
Tom Wagner, Connie Walsh, Tom Walsh, Mark Ward, Rev. Vail Wildner, Bruce Wiley, Ruth Wiley, Maja Wilson, John Wolff, Jeff Wrisley, Sandra Youngblood