1890 United States Census Enumerating Union Veterans and Widows of Union Veterans of the Civil War

Lincoln County, Mississippi
Transcribed by Linda Durr Rudd

All surviving soldiers who served in the Union Army were not enumerated due to political tensions in the South and problematic census taking. Confederate veterans were enumerated despite the fact the census was designed for Union veterans. The Census Bureau later drew a line through the names of Confederate veterans. This census was recorded June, 1890.

Transcriber’s comments are enclosed in parenthesis.

Caseyville, Lincoln County, Mississippi
Supervisor District - 4
Enumeration District - 89
Enumerated by Prentiss Buie

George Thomas alias George Washington Private - Company F - 58th Col Inf
Comments: (He has) rheumatism from exposure
(George Washington of Company F, 58th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry)

John Magee - Private - Company C - 6 Col Ar
Comments: (He has) weak lungs from exposure.
(John McGee of Company C, 6th Regiment, United States Colored Heavy Artillery)

Brookhaven, Lincoln County, Mississippi
Supervisor District - 4
Enumeration District - 92
Enumerated by Augustis E. Maxwell

Mildred, widow of Henry Tibbs - 1st Lieut. - Company F - 2nd La
Comments: (He) died December 20, 1876.
(Henry Tibbs of Companies D, K, and F, 2nd Louisiana Infantry)

Isaac Cope alias John I. Cope - private - Company G - 34 Ohio
Comments: (He has) defective sight and rheumatism.
(John I. Cope of Company G, 34th Regiment, Ohio Infantry)

Emmons I. Travis - 1st Sarg. - Company M - 4 Heavy A. Reserves
(Emmins Travis of Company H, 4th Regiment, United States Colored Heavy Artillery)

Frank Hartman - Private - Company I - 11
(Franz H. Hartman of Company I, 11th Missouri Infantry)

Westly Townsend alias Sylvester Westbrook - BS - Company I - 100 Ohio
Comments: (He was) effective with rheumatism.
(Wesley Townsend of Company I, 100th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry)

Sylvester Brown alias Green Johnson - 2nd Sarg. - Company B - 82 La
(Sylvester Brown of Company B, 14th Battalion Louisiana Sharpshooters)

Green Johnson alias Johnson Green - Private - Company C - 53
Comments: (He was) effective in back and shoulder.
(There are 51 Green Johnson and 3 Johnson Green listed in the Civil War Solider Index.)

Jessie D. Delaughter - Sailor - Landerman, Australia
Comments: Deserted
(There is one Jesse Delaughter listed with Company H, 7th Regiment, Mississippi Cavalry.)

James Dawson
(There are 143 James Dawson listed in the Civil War Soldier Index.)

Montgomery, Lincoln County, Mississippi
Supervisor District - 4
Enumeration District - 93
Enumerated by Jessie Taylor

William Curtis - Private - Company C - 6 MS Inf
Comments: Do not remember date of enlistment or discharge, etc.

Samuel Johnson - Private - Company F - 70 US Inf
Comments: (He) suffers with some kind of disease but do not know what it is. - Do not remember anything as to questions 7, 8 and 9.
(Samuel Johnson of Company F, 70th United States Colored Infantry)

Maria Lewis widow to George Lewis County, Miss.
Comments: Do not know anything as to questions 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
(There are 572 George Lewis listed with the Civil War Soldier Index.)

Alexander Hezekiah alias Alexander Cloy - private - Company C - 6 US Inf
Comments: Rheumatism - Do not remember number of days (served).
(Alexander Cloy of Company C, 6th Regiment, United States Colored Heavy Artillery)

Frank Parsons - Private - G - 5 Va Reg - July 1862 - 1863
Comments: Do not remember as to 2, 8 and 9.
(Franklin Parsons of Company G, 5th Regiment, West Virginia Infantry)

Silvy Coleman widow of Dick McMillan alias Dick Coleman
Comments: Do not remember as to 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
(Richard McMillan of Company K, 61st Regiment, United States Colored Infantry)

Eli McKinnis - Cor - Company I - US Col Art

Goodwater, Lincoln County, Mississippi
Supervisor District - 4
Enumeration District - 95
Enumerated by George C. Hoskins

Anthony Nichols - Private - Company A - Mo or MS
Comments: (He was) wounded in right leg. - This man served both in Confederate and United States Armies. - (He) was wounded in Confederate services.

Charles W. Gage alias Charles McGee - Private - Company K - 58 U. S. Inf.
(Charles McGee of Company K, 58th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry)

Armstead Stewart - Private - Company E - 84th US 12
Comments: (He was) shot in the right ankle - blank
(Armstead Stewart of Company H, 124th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry or Company D, 15th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry)

Henry B. Moore - Private - Company I - 15 US Inf
Comments: (He was) shot in right hip.

Fair River, Lincoln County, Mississippi
Supervisor District - 4
Enumeration District - 96
Enumerated by Thomas W. Reenaw?

Uriah F. Harveston - Private - Company G - 1 Ind H A
Comments: (He was) wounded in left leg and right hand. - (He) was discharged by general order.
(Uriah Harveston of Company G, 1st Regiment, United States Heavy Artillery)


Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System
1890 Census of Civil War Soldiers, Sailors or Their Widows - Microfilm Number: 1323
Microfilm found at Mississippi Department of Archives and History.

Remembering Their Names