Maria McLean Buie
Lincoln County, Mississippi
November 18, 1889
Transcribed by Linda Durr RuddTestimony of J. D. Buie
I am 45 years of age - occupation farmer - residence Lincoln County, Miss. I knew Mrs. McLean ever since I can remember anybody. I lived about 8 miles from her during the war - Mrs. Buie was her daughter. All I know was information that I recover from my sister - Mrs. Jane McLean and my stepmother. They informed me that she was a Union woman - and Mrs. Jane McLean told me that it was mighty hard for her sister to loose her sons in the army when she was so opposed to the war. My stepmother Mrs. Rebecca Jane Blue said about the same thing. This was told me soon after the war. I heard that Mrs. McLean was a Union woman - this was the talk in the neighborhood.
Southern Claims Case of Maria McLean Buie