Daniel Buie's 1873 Deposition

1873 Deposition of Daniel Buie in the
Southern Claims Case of Mary Lemons Buie
Lincoln County, Mississippi
October 1873
Transcribed by Linda Durr Rudd

Daniel Buie was the son of Daniel Buie and Mary Lemons.


Daniel Buie testified: Age 30; residence Caseyville, Miss., I was conscripted in 1862 and served a little over a year. I was paroled at Vicksburg on July 4th, 1863, after which time I never went back to the army, and did not intend to go back I was in the army against my will and when I once got out I was determined to stay out. My brother Neal H. was conscripted at the same time. He was sickly, and never done a day’s service, died in hospital May 1863. Like myself, he was forced in by conscription.

I was never in favor of secession, 18 years old in 1861. My brother Neal H. who is now dead, and myself were the only ones who were in the Confederate army, and we were forced to stay in. After once getting out I was determined to stay out and keep myself out of the way of the Conscripting officers.

Daniel and Neil Henry Buie served with Company A, 1st Regiment, Mississippi Light Artillery.


NARA - Record Group 123 - United States Court of Claims - Congressional Jurisdiction - Southern Claim File of Mary Buie - Case # 2568

Southern Claims Case of Mary Buie

Remembering Their Names