Maria Catherine McLean Buie
Jefferson County, Mississippi
October 29, 1873
Transcribed by Linda Durr RuddTestimony of John H. Clark
I am 67 years of age reside at Union Church Jefferson County, Miss and am by occupation a blacksmith.
I have became acquainted with Mrs. McLean in the year 1826 and lived a near neighbor to her since that time and from the year 1859 up to the time of her death was intimate with her socially - and during the years of the war our family visited each other often - and I have often heard her express herself not only at her home but at mine about the Rebellion and secession - I voted for secession but I was led into it by force of circumstances - I can not say that I was a union man. but so intimate was the relations existing between our families that Mrs. McLean frequently expressed herself unreservedly. She was for the union and said so and said that sooner than have the war going on should would give up all of her slaves that war was a wicked and a cruel thing. these expressions she made repeatedly. and while I voted against the union ticket I was opposed to the war and have since regretted that my vote helped bring it on. I had no idea that secession would bring on war - the leaders said that it would not and myself in common with many others believed it - peaceable secession was desired by many but secession and war was desired by but few - I never heard Mrs. Buie make any expressions but would think that she entertained the same feelings as her mother. I do not know whether she sympathized with the United States government or not but I reckon she did as she wanted the government restored and her sons out of the army and for this she was willing to give up her slave property.
Southern Claims Case of Maria McLean Buie