John D. McNair's Inventory and Appraisement ~ 1835

Jefferson County, Mississippi
April 11, 1835
Extracted by Linda Durr Rudd

John D. McNair and Nancy Grafton Buie married January 1825 in Jefferson County, MS. The couple had two children; Thomas McNair who married Flora Anna Gilchrist, and Mary Jeanette McNair who married Robert Dougald Torrey.

The following is an inventory of the goods, chattels and personal estate of John D. McNair Dec'd

Slave Inventory Only

One Negro Man JACOB worth $700
One Negro Woman HARRIET worth $500
One Negro Boy BEN worth $350
One Negro Boy NATHAN worth $300
One Negro Girl NELLY worth $200
One Negro Girl DAPHNEY worth $150
One Negro Girl SARAH worth $100

Charles McDougal
Neill Buie
Gilbert M. Buie

State of Mississippi
Jefferson County

I do hereby certify that Neill Buie, Gilbert M. Buie & Charles McDougal appraiser of the Estate of John D. McNair appeared and was duly sworn as the law direct.

Given under my hand and seal this 11th day April 1835.

John McDonald

On January 3rd 1837, Nancy McNair sold Jacob, Harriet and their four children to Peter McLaurin for $2650. From John D. McNair's Jefferson County Probate Records - Case Number: C154


John D. McNair's Jefferson County Probate Case Number C154
Microfilm Number: 12154
Microfilm found at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History.

Remembering Their Names