

Born:  January 13, 1963
Died:  December 26, 1975
Gender:  Male
Type: Miniature Dachshund
Coloring:  Brown
Origin of Name:  Part of his official kennel name, "Von Kralk Jeannie's Wee Fritz"
Nicknames:  None
Unique Habits/Characteristics:  Loved to sit and beg
Diseases/Illnesses:  Obesity

Fritz was my mother's Mothers Day present to herself.  I think she was tired of our family adopting dogs with problems, and being lonely for a pet pooch, decided to adopt a full-bred, complete with papers, miniature dachshund.

She had talked to our family doctor first.  My brother and I both had allergies and asthma, so she felt limited on what we could adopt without causing problems.  But a short-haired doxie fit the bill just fine.

We woke up early that day as I recall, sneaking out of the house while Father slept.  Father was never very fond of animals, and Mother had to know he would not be pleased.  But she didn't care; she wanted a dog, it was Mother's Day, end of story.

We drove somewhere out into the country to a small family breeder.  There was Fritz, the cutest little puppy, with whom we immediately fell in love.  My brother and I were all giggles and excitement all the way home.

Fritz and Patches
Father got the news when Mother wickedly placed the little puppy on the bed next to Father.  His reaction, as I recall, was none too gentle.  "Fwacchhh!  What the hell is that?" I believe was his initial response.  The puppy didn't seem to notice or care that not all household members were thrilled with his arrival.

Fritz became a very major part of our family for many years.  He was a funny little dog, who adored attention, food, and pleasing us.  Each Xmas, he got his own gift, one of those huge dog stockings full of dog toys, and enjoyed tearing it apart and playing with the goodies inside.

Fritz loved sitting up and begging, and it always made us laugh to see him sitting up on his hind legs, long weiner body stretched upright, little paws waving in the air.  It was nearly impossible to resist giving him a treat for his antics.

Unfortunately, Mother couldn't resist giving Fritz everything he wanted, which meant a ton of food.  Eventually, the little miniature doxie became huge, and not so miniature anymore.

Fritz was Mother's baby, although he usually loved my brother and I, too.  He could, like a lot of dachshunds get a little snippy on occasion, and he did snip at my brother once or twice.  But overall, his personality was sweet and gentle.
Mother, Fritz and Karma
Fritz was the one who first found Karma, my first cat.  It was his barking that drew my mother's attention to the little white cat that was my introduction to the wonderful world of having cats as pets.  I think Fritz knew Karma needed a home, and I think he was perfectly happy to have a playmate.

And they did like each other.  They particularly liked to curl up next to each other and sleep.  I don't think either Fritz or Karma understood that dogs and cats aren't supposed to like each other; they most certainly liked each other.

Fritz slowly grew old, and by the time he crossed over, I was no longer living at home.

Fritz was a part of our lives for a very long time, and he was deeply missed when he left.  He will certainly always be remembered.

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Background by Ginger-lyn Summer.

This page and its contents unless otherwise noted are copyright 2000-2001 by Ginger-lyn Summer.