Jack & Kate:  Kate

Born:  July 2005 
Gender:  Female
Type:  Domestic Shorthair
Coloring:  Orange and White Tabby
Origin of Name:  "Kate", character on TV show "Lost"
Nicknames:  Katie, Katie-bird, Katie-girl, Kate-Kate, Sissy, Katel
Unique Habits/Characteristics:  Doesn't meow; only mrrrps 
Diseases/Illnesses:  None


Kate, of course, came in a two-for-one package deal with her brother, Jack.  See the story under Jack's page to find out how Kate and Jack came into my life.

Kate, I assume, is the older, smarter sister to Jack.  When they were still little, bitty kittens, she always led the way, and Jack followed.

Sweet KatieAlthough Kate can be a little picky about her food, she's nowhere near as picky as her Bro-Bro, Jack .  There are a lot of types of food that she will eat, and she really chows down.  I've been amazed to watch her grow and get a huge little heart-shaped butt on her.

In a household of ten cats, some are bound to be a bit quieter and therefore less noticed than others, and this is true with Katie.  I love my little girl, but she's actually pretty quiet and well-behaved, and there is little that is outstanding about her.

Don't misunderstand me; I adore her.  She's the girl-cat I always wanted (but got Merlyn instead -- lol!).  She's sweet and loving, and although she is not very vocal, I taught her somehow how to "mrrp" when she wants affection.  And when she wants affection, I mean she wants it NOW.  She adores being petted and getting her head rubbed, and there seems to be no limit to how much petting she wants.  I sometimes have to hide my hands under the covers when I'm ready to go to bed, because otherwise, she'll keep headbutting my hands until I pet her again.

One of the few unusual things about Kate is that she is fascinated with the basement.  Every time I change the litterboxes, I temporarily put the bag of used litter at the top of the basement stairs, until I have a few to take out all at once.  Katie stands guard on top of the litterbox and watches, trying to figure out a way to get down in the basement.

Window KateThe basement still remains a disaster zone, nearly one year after moving into my new digs, and until it is cat-proofed and cleaned up, I don't want the cats down there.  However, one night, Richard or I didn't latch the door tightly enough, and somehow, the cats got the basement door open and managed to do a little exploring during the night.  We found out the next day, of course, and made sure all were accounted for before bolting the door securely.  Apparently, Kate must have had a fine old time down there, and really, really wants to go back.  I'm hoping I can get the basement in shape soon so I can let her (and all the other beasties) have more room to roam in here with an open basement.

My little Katie girl may not have much outstanding about her, but she's still a very special little love-bunny to me.



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 Bar by WebCat; Spay/Neuter by CatStuff.  Background by Ginger-lyn Summer.

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