
Born:  May 28, 1998
Gender:  Male
Type:  Domestic Longhair
Coloring:  White
Origin of Name:  Old friend Wulfgangh, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Nicknames:  Wolfie, Wolfers, Wolf-Wolf
Unique Habits/Characteristics:   Walks with tail in semi-circle; plays with anything round; sits on chests
Diseases/Illnesses:  None noted yet

Wolfie came to us very recently.  I had had a dream where I was searching for Geesha, lost at an outdoor event, and discovered a little white cat in a building as I was searching.  I mentioned this dream to a friend and client of mine.  It turned out she had a gorgeous white cat that she was feeling bad about keeping, because she felt the cat wasn't getting enough attention and affection.

She warned me if I met him I'd fall in love with him, and she was absolutely right.  I took him on a trial basis, but there was no doubt from the beginning that he was meant to be here.  She brought him in within her arms, and after a short time, he reached out for me, and wanted to be held by me.  She said he'd never gone to anyone else before.  Wolfie knew he was home.

He had been adopted by her sister-in-law from some folks she met at a flea market.  The sister-in-law gave Wolfie to my friend.  He was first known as "Li'l Buddy", and then as "Q-Tip", neither of which fit him, I thought.

Wolfie, 1999.  Photograph by Ginger-lyn Summer.
Wolfie showed up less than 24 hours after a neighbor dumped a beautiful, incredibly sweet little white kitty.  I found him at about 2 a.m. on my porch, right after adopting Wolfie.  Blanco is one of the sweetest little guys I've ever met, but I had just adopted a fifth cat, and could not adopt a sixth.  I held Blanco, and knocked on the neighbors' door.  The boyfriend refused to open the door and just yelled out "We don't have a cat!"  Which I knew to be utterly false.  I knocked on the next door, her sister's apartment.  Her sister's boyfriend told me they had dumped Blanco because he had fleas and was spraying.  Hiiiisssssssss!  I took him home, knowing we couldn't keep him.

So I somehow had managed to attract two white cats into my life within 24 hours.  But we could not keep both of them.  The local mostly-no-kill cat shelter took Blanco, and he was adopted several months ago.

So we had Wolfie, who has such dog-like mannerisms and looks that he reminded me of a dog I once fell in love with, who was named Bear (yep, a dog named Bear and a cat named Wolfie).  Bear's human friend went by the name of Wulfgangh.  Wolfie reminded me *so* much of Bear, I still think he's Bear reincarnated as a cat because he knew I wouldn't adopt him as a dog!  Wulfgangh (the human one) suddenly contacted me after years of losing touch a few months ago, and sure enough, Bear was gone.  Wolfie has Bear's face and fur; it's quite amazing.

I named him Wulfgangh von Catticus, Wolfie for short.  His ex-mom thought it was totally appropriate, too, as Wolfie loves music and sound.  As usual, there's the degenerated names:  Wolf-wolf, Woofers.

Wolfie had his front paws declawed, which I am against.  It made me very sad that my friend had done this.  I worry about him in the future, but he seems to be doing well now.

He's a *humongous*, gorgeous cat (even the vet said "What a beautiful cat!").  He adores catnip, but other than the catnip pillows and "Da Bird", will only play with round things (can you say "dog-like" here?).  He adores round toys of any kind.

As I write this, he's a little over a year old, so he still has a lot of kitten in him.  His face is so expressive and priceless.  He has gorgeous blue eyes, and isn't deaf, which is wonderful (not that I would love him any less if he was).

Wolfie.  Photograph by Ginger-lyn Summer.

Wolfie loves to crawl up on my chest and purr.  He's learning to accept grooming (which he *badly* needs on a regular basis).  He unfortunately has a bad habit of not bathing himself in the -- um -- nasty places, so I've had to trim the fur around his butt and get baby wipes to help him out.

Wolfie is a Gemini kitty, and is quite smart and intelligent overall.  The other guys seem to feel quite comfortable with him, although his introduction was less than ideal, since my friend brought him in with no carrier.  Trill went bananas, but Internet, the Cat Welcome Wagon, wanted to say "Hi, new cat!"  I put him in our huge dog carrier that a neighbor gave us until they all calmed down.  Since then, the other four guys seem to like him, including Trill.

One of Wolfie's odd habits is the fact that he doesn't like canned cat food; he'll only eat dry food.  In fact, he doesn't much care for the occasional chicken treat they get.  He has, however, gone nuts over vegetable matter, which makes me wonder if he's a vegetarian cat.

When we first got Wolfie, he stared for a long time at Cosmo, who is a beautiful cat with a "mane".  Shortly after that, Wolfie developed a "mane"!  We think he was studying Cosmo and trying to figure out how he could grow one of those, and apparently, he did.

Wolfie's the only cat I've ever known that holds his tail up in an arc behind him, as though his tail is curled back to his neck.

Wolfie is one beautiful sight to behold.

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