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Harner - McBride Family History

This Web site is to inform family members and to aid family researchers related to:

Eunice Sharon McBride and Oscar Earl Harner

Eunice Sharon McBride Oscar Earl Harner
Burr Hamilton McBride Emma Lambert William E. Harner Christina Follmer
Dr. Plesant Harvey McBride Sharon E. Emmerson Robert Lambert Mary Jane Norvelle Williams parents are not yet known Andrew Follmer Sarah Miller

To view the page for the children of Oscar and Eunice Harner... Click Here.

Thank you for visiting our family history page at Angelfire.
This is just the beginning. We will be working on new pages with more family history, background, stories and more!

Please come back and visit again!

To contribute to this site, or if you wish to comment, send an email to:

(I look forward to hearing from family members who want to contribute.)

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