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Hello everyone and welcome to our little commmunity. This is the gateway to a warm and friendly place and we hope that you will kick off your shoes, make yourself at home and join in the many topics of interest that we have to offer.

We want everyone to feel safe and at home here on our site, and to be able to continue to nuture friendships and bonds that have already been made, despite the miles that separate each of us. And also hope that we all can meet and create new bonds as the site grows.

As you can see we have just about every topic all the way from gardening to sports!

So once again WELCOME....this is YOUR site, so ENJOY! And feel free to offer suggestions, your voice WILL be heard!

And while you are here, why not take the time to sign our new, improved Guestbook? It'll only take a minute of your time. Even if you've signed an earlier version, please add your thoughts and comments to our new one, since the old one no longer exists. Your thoughts are important to us! It would be much appreciated as well. Also please don't hesitate to use our free clasiffied service as well! It's free, no strings attached, honest!

There are available chats, 7 days a week, 24 hours a time to catch the gang is around 6pm EST on Mondays! Come visit!

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