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All over the British Isles there are accounts of another realm that lies within and beyond the visible world, but which we cannot see.
The denizens of that world spill over into our world sometimes either visibly or invisibly - and bring us good fortune and ill fortune in equal measure.
Individually they might bear such names as Hob or Lob or Robin Goodfellow or Queen Mab or Yallery Brown; as a people they are known as the Todloweries or the Boggarts or the Strangers or the Tylwyth Teg; the realm they come from has been called Tir-Na-Nog or Elvenland or Anwwn or Faerie.
This Secret Commonwealth is governed by laws that are strange and paradoxical to us mortals, and it exercises a power, a ‘glamoury’ that defies all reason.
In this programme of stories and ballads Hugh Lupton explores the nature of this Otherworld and its strange, humorous, dangerous, erotic inhabitants…. And their various edgy interactions with humankind.

This performance is going out at £400