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Illustrated byNiamh Sharkey

The word 'wonder' has two meanings.
You can be 'filled with wonder,with amazement and astonishment.
And you can be left 'wondering', thinking or pondering
When I put this collection together I was looking for stories
That did both things at once.

But it's no good having stories that are full of wisdom
and wonder if they're not entertaining as well
They should be funny and daft and beautiful and mysterious.
They should make pictures in your mind that you'll
never forget. I've worked as a storyteller for twenty
years, collecting and remembering hundreds of tales, and
these are some of my all time favourites.
I hope you enjoy them as well, and if you're really bold,
you can take them up and make them your own
and tell them yourself.

Monkey and Papa God
The Curing Fox
The Pedlar of Swaffham
The White Rat
The Blind Man and the Hunter
Fish in the Forest
The Shepherds Dream

(suitable for 6 - 12 yr olds)

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