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The Jetty of Life

originally written as
The Jetty of Sullivan's Island
February 2, 1999


The jetty lies before you in a blur
With waves caressing every stone
You feel your timid heart stir
You reach for the unknown

You have waited so long for this moment
Your fear has finally abated
You feel as if you own it
Your heart is so elated

Lifting your foot, you take a step
And then you take another
On your own and with no help
Because you need no other

Courage swells within your chest
Confidence becomes your friend
To reach the end is your accomplished quest
From there your life can begin

Rosalene H. Abrams

July 20.2003

This page is dedicated to every person who has stood at the foot of their own person jetty with weak knees and faint heart, while wondering what steps they should take to accomplish their goals.  It is also for those who have been given reasons to doubt their own self-worth but knew in the back of their mind that they were worthy.  

To you, I say... Take that first step, and then take another and another while side-stepping the jagged edges, for they will be there. Put your shoulder to the winds, face the storm and PUSH!  You'll get there!