If the year field is blank in the Celtic Festivals by Date webpage, it has already been held in 2012 and there is yet no current information on when the 2013 festival will be held.
We are removing all festivals that were not scheduled for 2012 and are currently not scheduled for 2013 from THE FESTIVALS BY DATE WEBPAGE ONLY but ARE LEAVING THEM ON FESTIVALS BY LOCATION WEBPAGE as long as there is an active website for that Festival. Reasons: No festival held in 2012; Festival canceled indefinitely; Current website presently not found. We will add them back on if they are later scheduled for 2013 or 2014.
Always check websites for latest, correct dates. Some festivals may change even the month in which it is held.
To build a Free Website without knowling or learning HTML, etc I use angelfire.com They allow you to use templates and it is easy and simple. Also you can hit preview before you save anything to check out your work or changes. If you rely soley on Facebook, Twitter, etc you'll miss those millions who don't use them yet. Good idea to advertize on them, but it's best to have your own website. Also, you can learn HTML from their website if you want to later on. You don't have to worry about fees or your website disappearing because you missed the fees. Yes, there are adds but the adds are relevant if you use the words "Irish" "Celtic" "Scottish" "Highland" in your website title. In fact, you may find something in the add you may want to see! Go to Build
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