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Welcome to Jeff the Finn's Web Page.

The COMMONITORY of St Vincent of Lerins

This page was born because of my activities on groups and boards.  But in the end, the only thing that matters is a prayer life and a life of partaking of the Holy Mysteries.  Arguments do not mean a thing.  What means something is living a Christ like life, a life of prayer and repentance.

Lord Almighty,
God of our fathers,
     of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
     and of their righteous offspring;
who hast made heaven and earth in their manifold array;
who hast confined the ocean by thy word of command,
who hast shut up the abyss and sealed it with thy fearful and glorious name;
all things tremble and quake in the face of thy power.
For the majesty of thy glory is more than man can bear,
and none can endure thy menacing wrath against sinners;
the mercy in thy promise is beyond measure:  none can fathom it.
For thou art Lord Most High,
compassionate, patient, and of great mercy,
relenting when men suffer for their sins.
For out of thy great goodness thou, O God,
hast promised repentance and remission to those who sin against thee,
and in thy boundless mercy thou hast appointed repentance for sinners as the way to salvation.
So thou, Lord God of the righteous,
didst not appoint repentance for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
who were righteous and did not against thee,
but for me, a sinner,
whose sins are more in number than the sands of the sea.
My transgressions abound, O Lord, my transgressions abound,
and I am not worthy to look up and gaze at the height of heaven
because of the number of my wrongdoings.
Bowed down with a heavy chain of iron,
I grieve over my sins and find no relief,
because I have provoked thy anger
and done what is evil in thine eyes,
setting up idols and so piling sin on sin.
Now I humble my heart, imploring thy great goodness.
I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned
and I acknowledge my transgressions.
I pray and beseech thee,
spare me, O Lord, spare me,
destroy me not with my transgressions on my head,
do not be angry with me for ever, nor store up evil for me.
Do not condemn me to the grave,
for thou, Lord, art the God of the penitent.
Thou wilt show thy goodness towards me,
for unworthy as I am thou wilt save me in thy great mercy;
and so I shall praise thee continually all the days of my life.
For all the host of heaven sings thy praise,
and thy glory is for ever and ever.  Amen.


I am an Orthodox Christian, and for an Orthodox person life is found in prayer and partaking of the Sacramental life of the Church, that is confession, Eucharist, Healing, and so forth.  On a links page I will give links to find out more about the Church of the Apostles.  More about the Living Tradition of Prayer in the Eastern Church.


Orthodox Morning Prayers

Nancy Gardner

O Holy Martyr Peter the Aleut pray unto God for us! O Holy Father Jacob, pray unto God for us!


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If I lift up my eyes to the hills,
    where shall I find help?
Help comes only from the LORD,
    maker of heaven and earth.
How could he let your foot stumble?
    How could he, your guardian,
The guardian of Israel
    never slumbers, never sleeps.
The LORD is your guardian,
    your defence at your right hand;
the sun will not strike you by day
    nor the moon by night.
The LORD will guard you against
       all evil;
    he will guard you, body and soul.
The LORD will guard your going
       and your coming,
    now and for evermore.

Jeff the Finn

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