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                   Descendants of Charles Jones and Elizabeth Teakle


Charles Jones Married Elizabeth Teakle 1848 St James Melbourne Victoria


Below is my data base of Jones names. Some errors may have occurred as some information is not from official records. Any corrections welcomed.



My Jones family genealogy

Jones, Allen Godfrey (1919-1959)
Jones, Allen Perry (-1993)
Jones, Barbara
Jones, Charles (1821-1875)
Jones, Dennis William (-1993)
Jones, Edith
Jones, Eileen Dulcie (1921-)
Jones, Elsinore Marion (1908-)
Jones, Eric Francis (1914-)
Jones, Frances (1876-1944)
Jones, Frances (1876-)
Jones, Francis James (1879-)
Jones, Francis John (1855-)
Jones, George
Jones, George Albert (1873-1944)
Jones, Harriet
Jones, Hazel May (1924-)
Jones, Horatio Christopher (1892-)
Jones, Ida Nellie (1900-1975)
Jones, James Albert (1906-)
Jones, James Melville (1847-1908)
Jones, Jean (1912-)
Jones, Laurence
Jones, Living
Jones, Living
Jones, Lizzie (1867-)
Jones, Margaret Violet (1911-)
Jones, Mary Ellen (1916-)
Jones, Mary Jane (1869-)
Jones, Maurice
Jones, Melville James (1893-)
Jones, Melville James (1917-)
Jones, Percival (1896-1926)
Jones, Robert George (1910-)
Jones, Rosalie
Jones, Sophia Augusta (1858-1938)
Jones, Vera May (1898-1984)
Jones, Violet (1884-)
Jones, William (1881-1959)

Photos of Jones family members

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Years ago I was told our family was related  to Ned Kelly through our Barton family but I was unable to find the connection.

 I have now found out we are related  to Aaron Sherritt a member of the Kelly gang that was killed by Joe Byrne. This is  through  the Elmer and Beel family (Lily Elmer/William Beel)