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One Sweet Song at a Time
Tuesday, 24 January 2017
Songs for a Crazy Age...
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Music Reviews and Links

Folks, I recently found out some dreadful news about Anglo-Indian singer Sheila Chandra.  She's been disabled and forced to retire from performing since 2010 due to something called Burning Mouth Syndrome--one of those godawful autoimmune disorders that didn't exist even 20 years ago.  Nobody has quite figured out its cause, but in severe cases, one can barely talk, never mind sing, without experiencing severe pain.  Ugh.  That absolutely sucks.  Fortunately, all her recorded output is still available; but I believe that environmental toxicity is behind a lot of these weird autoimmune issues, and addressing our poisoned ecosystems is the critical step in curing illnesses that the poisoning has caused and will cause down the line.  Just my two cents, but I believe all of the above is true.

Anyway, here are some new singles for you to peruse.  As always, click on either the text links or image links to check out the Amazon page for each digital song download...  


"Ever So Lonely/Eyes/Ocean": One of Sheila Chandra's best-known and best-loved songs. A great meditative aid, something to calm body, mind and spirit all at once. The earliest version of it was Chandra's first hit with her old band Monsoon. This song also serves as a reminder of why we need cures for autoimmune disorders yesterday...




"The Women Are Singing Tonight" by Cris Williamson: This cover of a Jimmy Webb ballad has haunted me every time I hear it.  It was written in honor of the Nez Perce tribe's ill-fated flight from occupation and forced dispacement; and in Williamson's hands and voice, you feel like you're right there with them, not knowing what will happen at the next sunrise.  It's a feeling of forboding of the unknown that many of us are feeling right now.  It's an incredible song, and an amazing rendition, whatever your culture or politics...



"All Souls Night" by Loreena McKennitt: This one is haunting too, but in a different way.  Its lyrics and tune give one a glimpse of the old Celtic way of celebrating their new year on Samhain or November 1, with descriptions of bonfires and dancing and the Green Knight with the holly bush, marking "where the old year passes by."  It's a great one to dance to any time of year, whether you are Pagan or not; and I would love to see a theatrical dance choreographed for it one of these days.  Recorded in the early 90's, when McKennitt's vaulting soprano was at its strongest. 


 Also: Before we go, I'd like to invite you to visit the beginnings of our companion website, Sing Globally, Think Universally, the center for our musical musings, with online music shops in production!  We've already got our embedded Amazon store for song downloads, as well as embedded world and folk music Twitter feeds and a Youtube playlist!  Very soon now, we'll also be raking through eBay for out-of-print folk and Celtic gems as well.  Check it out early and often! 




Posted by LairMistress at 10:43 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 6 February 2017 10:32 PM EST
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