Words © 1989 by Karen I. Olsen. Music: Kerstlied, trad. Belgian.
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They call her back, and she leads them chasing after,
To pin her down, and cut off her virgin laughter.
To live their life, they let her be born--
But no, she stays ahead and free and dancing on;
Amanda stays ahead and free and dancing on.
A girl of five at a festival is leading.
Forget her place--here there is no more retreating.
Her soul's in flight, her effort is won--
Their power is gone and lost, Amanda dances on.
Their power is gone and lost, Amanda dances on.
She's on a stage, and the clogging girls surround her.
She won't be stopped, with the sphere of light around her.
The spark of life she passes along,
And calls, Come on and fly, Amanda dances on.
And calls, Come on and fly, Amanda dances on.
In all of life, few will dare to lead such dances.
We're frozen so, that we seldom take our chances.
Not free to speak, our spirit is gone;
We're taught to frown upon the soul who dances on.
We're taught to frown upon the soul who dances on.
But we can change, with such a child before us.
She breaks our ice, and her passion leads the chorus.
Join hand to hand and circle around;
The power belongs to us, Amanda dances on.
The power belongs to us, Amanda dances on.
There's room for more--come and watch the circle growing,
Protecting all who will join the dance's flowing.
Where are they now who made us be wrong?
Their power is gone and lost, Amanda dances on.
Their power is gone and lost, Amanda dances on.
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