



I John Green of the county of Mecklenburg in the State of North Carolina (Farmer) being very weak in body but of perfect mind and memory, and calling to mind the mortality of my body knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament. That is to say principally and first of all I give and recomend my soul into the hand of Almighty God that givith and my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christian Burial at the discretion of my executors. And as touching such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to give in this life, I give devise & dispose of the same in the following manner and form-

First I do order and allow my executors to pay all my just debts that are due by me out of what money is due to me, if there should be enough of sd. money if not to sell as much of my personal estate as may be ----illegible (crease in paper) to pay ----

Secondly. It is my will and desire that my Family should live with my widdow, that is my sons untill they are fourteen years of age and then to be put to genteel trades such as their mother may apporve of and they may have a genius or turn for, or if my widdow should marry before my sons John and Moses is fourteen that they should be put to trades and as soon as she may marry and in either of these cases that the property in her hands be then sold and the money put to interest until they come of age.

Thirdly. It is my will and I do order that as soon as my just debts are paid that then my personal estate shall be valued by indifferent persons and that it shall be one share out of seven separately laid off and that my son Isaac Green shall have that share when he shall be in need of it and to be given to him at the discretion of my executors whom I appoint his guardian. And that my wife Margaret my daughter Mary, my son John, Moses, Tabitha and David shall have each an equal share of my persoanl estate after the disbursements aforesaid, and in case any of the children should die before they come to twenty-one years of age that their part be equally divided among the children last mentioned.

Fourthly. My land on Paw Creek joining Robt. McCord, John Love and David Kennedy and an entry of one Hundred and sixteen acres on said creek and a purchase of one hundred acres on sd. creek containing in all three hundred and five acres I do will and bequeth to my son David Haynes Green but to allow my wife Margaret to have the said lands to her own and her Family's use during her Widdowhood-

Fifthly. I do constitute and appoint my beloved wife Margaret Green executrix and George Graham executor of this my last will & testament and I hereby utterly disallow revoke and disanul all and every other testaments, Wills Legacies; bequests and executors by me in any ways before named and bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 10th day December 1793.

Signed, sealed published pronounced and declared by the

said John Green to be his last will and testament in the presence John Green (seal)

of -

Jas. Tagert

James Neal

William McKinley

I John Green do bequeath to my son David Haynes Green one hundred acres of land lying on Paw Creek purchased of William McKinley & I do hereby direct the said William McKinley to sign a sufficient conveyance to the said David Haynes Green for the hundred acres of land aforesaid, I do hereby ratify this as a codicial to my last will and testament bearing date the 10 day of December 1793. I testimoney whereof have set my hand & seal this 27th Jan. 1794.

John (his mark) Green

James Sloan

Barth.w Haynes

October of ( 27th?) 1794

John Green in sick and low condition but in perfect mind and memory calling to mind the great care and trouble that his wife has had with him has thought this dutey (?) to give Thosm & Suba to her duering her widowhood to work for her as she shall see fit and has declared the same before us.

James N---

Joseph Moor

John Walker

Recorded October Term, 1794


Included in this file is the bond of Moses Green appointed guardian to David Haynes Green, orphan of John Green deceased. Bartholmew Haynes, Bondsman, 26 April 1808. Also there are many pages of notes, payments, vouchers, accounts, etc. in this file, but I couldn't find anything showing specific payment to the heirs. John Green had many business activities going on. Later in 1815 there is a deed signed by the heirs of John Green, (Mathew Bigham, David Haynes Green, Moses Green and Margaret Green) but not signed by the others (Isaac, Mary, John)

Bartholomew Haynes married Sarah Carruth 30 Aug 1793, a daughter of James and Margaret Carruth. I haven't figured out yet the puzzle regarding these marriages. It's possible Margaret's maiden name was either Sloan or Haynes, but then again it might be James Carruth was married first to an unknown Sloan and then to Margaret. I have found nothing in the Haynes family to prove her name was Haynes. James Carruth died 2 Sep 1775 (Steele Creek Cemetery) and his widow Margaret married #2 John Green, but the guardianship of the James Carruth children is confusing because the oldest son went with John Sloan and the other three with John Green. Shortly afterwards two of three orphans (John Carruth & Elizabeth Carruth) died.