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  1. Singapore File exchange center
  2. Singapore one WebTop
  3. Hardware zone Singapore
  4. Shout Cast (Internet Radio)
  5. Movies-Online(Sg)
  6. Catcha
  7. Singapore cable vision
  8. Singtel magix
  9. Ecircles
  10. Cnet(Singapore)
  11. Mediacity
  12. Live-e
  13. Vivamusic
  14. Galaxynet
  15. Dalnet
  16. Chinamp3
  18. Mp3cable
  19. Mp3files

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  1. Icq
  2. Irc
  3. Winamp
  4. wallpaper changer (cool)

  1. Ispeed (modem tweaker)
  2. Jackpot program (console)
  3. Currency converter
  4. Price plan for magix
  5. Something for the japanese

  1. e001 (make phone calls free)
  2. jpop music
  3. Starhub
  4. Bonsai jpop
  5. Sgforums
  6. Asia one
  7. Tcs
  8. Baby blues (comic strip)
  9. Live-e
  10. funnyfiles (haha)
  11. wwf


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hp: 90285886



irc nick :_ lanman (galaxynet)


Number of Hits!!!!!


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contact me



Afflictiated sites

The Prophets

Prophets of Destiny

Xcube productions's

Total speed (ckh)

Total Speed(eyeTherapy?)

Patrick's homepage

Howkw kenshin page

Hansiong's love page

Singapore ST club

Benmoh webpage

Andre's faith page


Melvin's(my bro) first page

Melvin bro 




Have a link to link , contact me :)




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This page was last 

updated on 12/05/02.


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Sms to Friends and Family 




Proudly developed in Singapore

Jeremy aka Lanman
Copyright © 2001 [LanEt]. All rights reserved.
Revised: December 05, 2002 .



10 April 2001


  • My fair princess will be aired ion sept and soon , stay tuned for it !!!!

  • A new section of fan part , this is a first for me , well this section will give us a good view of what i like best in things in life . visionaries and stuff :)

  • okok i know this is going a step backwards for man kind but all my files are being deleted due to a virus attack wozzzz . so going to re-initiate the site again. till furthur changes ;)

  • keeping the pictures section up to update gimme more time while i finish up some stuffs on sorting :) file sharing and all things having it up too stay tuned 

  • going to revamp the site a bit so get ready for internal structure changes !





17 September 2000

  • MK a network and  gaming site (singaporean site) , click here 

  •  Well seems like yunfeng is a venom disco retro siao , keke go here to get a low down , click here !

  • A number of tragic deaths in singapore mnn...

  • Cable is here !!! wow its unbeliveable!

  • Get WAP and get connected anywhere!

  • 16 April 2000 1204 hrs (GMT) hrs (SST) Singaporean children have the highest home Internet access in the Asia Pacific region and the second highest level of home PC ownership. These are the findings from a recent lifestyle survey covering 7,600 children aged 7 to 18 across 20 cities in Asia Pacific.

  • POD! A new telecomunications company is operational , go to their website !

  • YCKSS diner and dance to be confirmed date , time and venue!

  • yckss outing photos tallying at 5 if no replies by this tuesday then it will be finalised , i go develop!!! :) current are pris, ning , sher li , shiengfeng, choo.

  • Following complaints from the public on Singapore Cable Vision's (SCV) poor cable modem service for Internet access, the Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) has swung into action. read it here 

  • going 24 hours online , stay tuned!

  • tch has come up with a new webpage at 

  • well exams are coming all the best for the exam !!!!

  • i have just revamped and restructed the site do send me comments!!

  • okie a final reminder , as to who wants to go for the big walk?? contact me!!

  • Planning for a holiday job ??? , well job agencies should do the job!

  • Scv new price plan here

  • Well projects over !!!! liao , hehe temporary holiday , later exam liao hahazz

  • List of Schools in Singapore is here , click here to access!

  • Singapore, is it a good place to live ???any comments???

  • I have some afflictiate sites which are fantastic , take a look and drool at it , really !!!keke

  • More updates coming up on this site as i am expanding its content (internally)

  • Thank you all for coming to my homepage , my site hit 1000 liao arigato,thank you !!!

  • WAP technology is here !!! i have made a wap homepage and do take a look with your wap enabled handphone and get mobile !!!

  • Big walk 2000 registration open to the public now , register online now!!!!, thanks cheng huat for reminding me :)



16 march                   2000                                                                                 

  • will china and taiwan take military action ??? that remains to be seen as a huge debate still reigns over the media. watch out for it !!!!
  • life is fast and furious, get a hard knock at this website here 
  • chinese muusic at boxup , great link!!!!
  • freshgear as seen on tv introduce's new products , go see it !!!!
  • share files on the net free !!!! xdrive and filesanywhere!!!
  • new pc show coming up  at the world trade center, anyone game for a visit? on the 18,19 and 20 of march!!!!
  • the singapore government is serious about their website manz!!! updated every hour!!!!! cool!!!
  • expand your circle of friends by joining asian friend finder!!!
  • test your bandwidth to the internet here , quite interesting i must say. 
  • want your latest jpop songs , theoricon rocks!!!!
  • 1 GHZ processor out latest at cnet
  • must i say anything ecircles is one of the best online communities in singapore.  
  • or you didn't know about soccernet and zoom soccer . kick it soccer fans!!!!
  • looking for music?? go to mp3cable and mp3files to get the latest
  • surf for free in Singapore , use starhub , but must pay phone bills only lahzz
  • do you know you can check your library book loans online at the national library website ??cool!! if you borrow books of course!!
  • a better channelnews asia , subscribe to their newsletter it rocks!!!!!
  • winamp 2.61  just released download here click here!!
  • please feel free to go to any of my home pages at the right hand...<-----:)
  • welcome to my homepage me friends this homepage i promise will be the most frequently updated!!!
  • patrict (sp) has set up this web page at homex go see it.

16 april 2000


  •  The mobile price wars have begin , lets see how they'll fight!!!

  •  The pricing for starhub internet has come out , see it here 

  • Best and worst ISP in Singapore see the ratings here

  • Boardband cost to come down "the government is mulling over a policy that will require Singapore Telecom and Singapore CableVision to open up their networks to competitors for the provision of high-speed broadband Internet services.Revealing this in an interview last Saturday, Minister for Communications and Information Technology Yeo Cheow Tong said: "We are looking at open access to the broadband system." This is one option the government is considering to help drive down the cost of broadband access in Singapore, he explained" well looks like more action to come!!

  • ok lets set the rules straight now!!! "The island's new telco entrant and Internet service provider ) StarHub Pte Ltd has maintained that its free Internet access plan is here to stay...for good.

  • Well somethings on the net pays, alladvantage and spedia pays!!!

  • Singapore E-celebrations is up , a government initiative!!!  

  • singapore has a net addiction problem ??? ooOOOO

  • the bulletin board is up , write about anything here

  • well the magix valuesurf plan seemed to be a very personal affair ,no advertisements ??? $60 for unlimited !!!!

  • letter from ceo of magix , an assurance see it here  ???

  • join the forum at hardwarezone , very responsive and sure get answers for your qns, IPO offering too. 

  • singapore's own pc domain for your pc tips,worth investing !!!

  • send sms at catcha singapore straight to singtel , and M1 handphones. how about starhub???implementing?

  • did i say speed and music , yes, go to viva music for live streaming video , of course if you have a boardband connect , or simply hang around there

  • do your bit for wild life , go to the wwf page to do your bit for the living nature

  • , a new singapore sls initiative,quite nice

  • ex-yckss group photos out(with me) , not on the net lahzz, contact me to fix a date to collect :) partially is from sparhawk !!!!!

28 th of april 2000


  • singnet ceo has just sent an e-mail massage , read it here !!!!

  • Did i say that you can make free calls from , go see it !!!

  • Andre's long lost website has been found , see it here !!!! 


This webpage is developed by Jeremy Fu                  

comments or queries please contact me :)