First Hatching @ Lav'intay, Second on Planet Icarus!

Water Istaniel paced the warm sands, eyeing her clutch of five eggs worriedly. The mother’s constant muttering could be heard echoing from the Deep Caverns; loud enough to rouse Mihani from her peaceful sleep. The High Princess dressed in a daze and managed to make her way to the cavern.

“Please inform me why it is required that you wake the entire castle with your impatient grumbles? I do not wish to deal with an ornery castle staff tomorrow,” Mihani croaked drowsily as she rubbed her eyes. The dark form of her water drak was barely noticeable, all the lights having been dimmed at sunset.

A series of rustling movements followed, until green eyes stared down at the small woman. “I am only being more vigilant now, since my children are coming sooner then you and that numbskull Jikonet may think,” was the drak’s irritated reply as she referred to her mate. The High Princess frowned at her pair’s tone.

“How soon?” Mihani asked, her impatience rising to the surface as well. “How about at this very moment?” Istaniel questioned in return. A crack echoed in the shadows, and Mihani gasped, now fully awake.

Mumbling choice words of agitation, the castle leader raced off in the dark corridors to fetch the now sleeping aspirants. Fire Jikonet, after waking from his post in the hallway, leaned his horned-head into the doorway. A shriek from Istaniel and a splash of sand sent him immediately back to his post.

He would have to wait, for the water drak would not have anyone viewing her children just yet...

Some time later all five aspirants, along with several castle residents, were gathered at the entrance to the Deep Cavern. Mihani and Aaront appeared shortly from behind the closed door and motioned for the group to follow them inside.

Istaniel crooned to gain everyone’s attention as she brought her offspring into the center of the cavern. Sounds of amazement rose as all eyes focused on the glistening draklings sitting before them. A Rain, Forest, Night, and two Earths were presented to the five aspirants.

The first earth, a male, hissed an inaudible name to a particular young man near the back of the aspirant group. Istaniel glanced upwards at Alexis and motioned for him to step forward. "Xelet," the Water told him, nuzzling her son affectionately. The drakling snorted but backed away, embarrassed by his mothers open show of affection. He then turned to his chosen and bounded straight into the young man’s legs.

"You’re lucky they didn’t punish you for sneaking in here," he whispered to Alexis, “but I’m glad you did."

The young man smiled. "I’m glad I did, too." With that he turned and led his drakling from the caverns, flashing the High Princess a mischievous grin on his way out. "That one will need to be watched,” she murmured to Aaront as the little female forest was herded from behind her mother and placed for everyone to see. The small drakling’s head bobbed happily as she eyed one young girl who stood nervously fiddling with her gold and green hair ribbons. The forest tilted her head sideways, seemingly amused and then she rose, gracefully making her way towards Crtanza.

“I am-“ but drakling stopped her introduction. “Zahletel,” the Water concluded with a croon of approval.

“Nice to meet you, Zah,” Crtanza said in a choked sort of voice. The girl could not refrain herself from tearing up as she placed a hand gently on the head of her bond and stroked the delicate fur.

All eyes turned from the scene then as a squeak of impatience arose from behind Istaniel. She turned her head and chuckled in amusement.

“Yes, Sonelet, I know it is your turn,” the Water reassured her dark son. His head lifted the high, the small night waddled towards the only male still remaining.

Tamond gazed down at the small drakling. “I’m afraid I am all that is left,” he said with a sigh. Sonelet crooned and nipped his pair’s hand. “I would have chosen you out of three million aspirants if I had the chance.”

The boy grinned and knelt beside the night drakling, bringing him into an emotional embrace.

On the opposite side of the caverns, Vayne began to tap her foot insistently. “Could this be any more monotonous?” She screeched, shooting a dissatisfied glare at the other remaining aspirant, Diseni.

“I am sure that-“ but Vayne was interrupted as her feet were suddenly shoved out from under her. The girl’s face flushed with humiliation and then anger as she stood and whirled on her attacker, but no one was there.

Her eyes suddenly shot downwards as a nose nudged gently at her knee. “You ssshould learn to be more patient, but sssorry for taking a whiless,” the small earth drakling said to Vayne.

Istaniel, realizing with a shock that she had lost a daughter turned and rushed over to the pair. “Well do you jusst wissh to remain nameless?” the Water asked, slightly irritated.

The earth drakling shook her head. “Quite, sssorry,” she said, gazing up at her mother. Istaniel’s eyes softened and she crooned in acceptance. “There is no harm done, Ranetel. It is alright.”

Turning back to her chosen, Vayne and Ranetel walked proudly from the deep caverns, chattering on about traveling back to pick up all of Vayne’s belongings once they learned to teleport. Tanoric shook his head.

“Always wanting to grow up too fast,” he said with a sigh, realizing his training schedule was going to be more intense then he had first imagined.

This left one lone female standing in the caverns, but she liked it better this way. Istaniel appeared once more a few moments later, leading her daughter towards Diseni. The rain drakling poked her head from behind her mother’s fore leg. Seeing the girl standing before her, the rain lost all her caution and leapt out, stopping just before colliding with Diseni’s feet.

“Kietel, do be careful,” Istaniel urged. The rain Kietel apologized and then turned swiftly, rushing out of the caverns harping to Diseni about some sort of Taou animal and fetharsss....

As the rain and his pair disappeared, Mihani turned to Aaront and grasped the High Prince about his waist in an affectionate squeeze.

“Looks like the first step is finally out of the way,” she said, her shoulders drooping as if a giant weight had been lifted from them. Aaront nodded with a smile, planting a kiss on her forehead as they exited the Deep Caverns, all thoughts turned to the celebration feast to be held the following night...

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