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Cats & Kittens

As I promised..... CATS!!!!!!

Ok, now that I have that out of my system. *laughs* This is my cats area. I am a huge cat person. (like you couldn't tell... *laughs* ) I love learning new things about them and sharing the info that I learn, so through out here you can look for information on your kitty. I will be putting breeder's info up soon... If you are or know a breeder, please email me with your information. Otherwise you can read up on places to aquire cats, like the animal shelter.

How many of you have a cat with some sort of disability? I had one that had been stabbed by a screw driver in the abdomen and ended up having to wear diapers for the rest of her happy life. You will read more about her and other cats with disabilites on the Health page. I will have a page for people who have pets with disabilities or have had to come up with some "invention" to help their pet. Please email me with yours...