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Plush Mouse

Step 1. : Trace pattern from template below. Cut three 'bodies' from fabric or felt. On the wrong side of one piece, machine stitch tail cord in the place specified.

Step 2. : With right sides together, machine stitch two pieces together along one edge, using a 1/4 in. seam allowance. Stitch the thrid shape to the first, leaving a small gap for the tail to go through.

Step 3. : Stitch the remaining edge of the third piece and second piece, leaving a 1 in. gap in the seam for turning. Turn right side out and pull the tail through. Stuff the mouse firmly, then slipstitch the opening closed.

Step 4. : Cut two ear pieces from fabric or felt. Pin the ears on the mouse to check position then glue in place. Draw eyes, nose, whiskers and mouth, or sew on eyes or glue on plastic movable eyes.