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My Family
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My Dad

This is my dad. He may not look like much, but has struck fear in many of my boyfriends. Growing up was rough, but it was worth it. He was usually the one to punish my sister and myself, but that never stopped me from loving him the same. The song "Daddy's Hands" comes to mind when I think of my dad. No he's not gone yet and I pray every day that him and my mom shall have a few more years with us. I know most of you that read this will think I am bullshitting you or that I am a mamma or daddy's girl, but I just love my parents.
Thanks go out to my parents for doing the best they could. Even though I never showed it, I do love you both!!!

<--- Pic goes here ---> My Mom

My mom is great, she's the one who raised me to be a lady. (Sorry it didn't work out so well!! LOL) When I needed some advice or an ear, she was there and still is. She's been great through all my troubled teen years. I will admit that I have not been the best daughter, she did a wonderful job in teaching me that you shouldn't walk down a mountain with a snake in your hands when you know it's going to bite you when it gets warm. My mom is awesome!! I will admit we have had our fights and there were times when I told her that I hated her, but I never meant it. Dumb teens tend to say stupid things. She was the one who stayed up with me when I was sick and made a costume within 8 hours.
You are great Mom, and don't EVER forget that!!!

My Brother

This is Cory, my little brother. He came into this world blue as a smurf, but he made it through. He is 8 years old (as of August 2002). He has cerebral palsy and is partially blind. None of this will stop him from being an average 8 year old though. He loves playing outside on my parents small farm. He has a pomeranian puppy and lots of cats. When I am feeling down I take a look at him and realize that no matter what obstical is in my way, I have to get over it no matter what. He is certainly a good sport and I don't think he has ever NOT made an impression on everyone he meets.
I hope his wonderful smile has made your day, too.

<--- Pic goes here ---> My Sister

My sister and I are 7 years apart, but we have bridged the gap well. We have different tastes in cars and guys, but we have a lot of fun together. My sister is someone I can look to when I a shoulder to cry on or when I need to smile. She has also shown me that if life throws you a lemon, you squish it and flip it off. LOL She was in a life threatening accident in '97. She flipped a corvette due to someone elses bad driving and her speeding (yea vic, I know you were:)*). She lost her left arm, some of her chest, and her chin. I still see her laying in the hospital bed to this day and it brings tears to my eyes. She is still alive and flipping off the camera (note no pic). She runs a pet rescue and is having fun fixing up an old camaro. I'm glad that she is still with us and hope she'll be there when I need her the most. I love her very much and do all I can to help her out. She is a good person, but needs to have the sense knocked into her sometimes, but I guess somebody went a little too far that day.
Love you Vic!!