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The Kids!
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Meow!! These two kittens are Ollie and Lea. Born about a week apart from two different mothers they have become the best of friends. Enoying getting into things they shouldn't like most kids, Ollie and Lea are known around here as partners in crime. Ollie is still getting used to us, but we have won him over. He enjoys sleeping on mommy's side of the bed though due to daddy's kicking and tossing and turning. Lea enjoys the same only she has to sleep closer to daddy so she slips slips in between us in the middle of the night. When daddy worked nights they always kept mommy company. Lea has to be right up with mommy while she is on the computer. Daddy won't allow her up on his lap, but she loves to find her way onto the desk.
Ollie enjoys watching t.v. with everybody, but has got to learn that he is not see-through. Making his way to the front of the t.v. by way of stereo speaker, he sits in front and watches all thats going on. Saying his name only makes him look at you as though to tell you to hush. His favorite shows are always full of action. The explosions and wrecks and guns going off attract his attention.

Getting Lea's attention is easy, all I have to do is shake her treats and she comes running. Ollie will usually come too, but I can't know that he is coming because I called. These two are the lights of my heart.

Daunta is the cat all dressed in black. He is our roommates cat. "If these three weren't so cute!!" That is something I find mysef saying a lot. I can't stay mad at them for very long. I love having them around. Never a moment too boring.

Lea and Daunta are brother and sister, but you would think they were all family. Below are a few more pics of them together.

Hope you enjoyed reading about my babies.