Parents and Grandparents
of Speech, Vocal and Academic Bowl Students
Alphabetical Order
Green indicates LHS Alumni
CharLee Allen Richard and Charla Allen, Grandparents Charley and Velma Switzer,
Roger & Wilda Allen
Jacob Bailey Kenny & Beth Bailey, grandparents: W.D. & Joyce Bailey
Alison Beldon Grandparents Joe and Jeanne Craig, Gr. Grandparents Roy and Hazel
Parks Craig
Clay Blackketter Lynn & Tina Blackketter, grandparents Gene & Ruth Blackketter
Kelly Boyd Lorri Holcomb and Russ Boyd, Grandparents Orville and Dorothy Holcomb
Teela Clem Gary and Vicki Harrel Clem, Grandparents Louise Harrel and the late
Lawrence Harrel
Cody Cole Russ and Jo Cole, Leroy and Juana Carlton Penry, Orpha Barnard Carlton
and the late Rector Carlton
and Tracy Craig Sons of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Craig, grandparents Arthur and Faye Craig
Adam Ferrell Eldon and Dixie Clem Ferrell, grandparents Betty Clem and the late Lee
Clem, Arleta Ferrell and the late Floy Ferrell
Shena Hammack Herb and Jana Cowger Hammack, Lomas Fox Harrel and the late Haskell
Brooks Holcomb Danny and Sharon Holcomb, Chester and Frady Ferrell Holcomb
Annie James Betsy Clem James, John James, grandparents Betty Clem and the late Lee
Heather Kauk
& Dane Kauk Kenny and Terri Kauk, grandparents Stella Kauk and the late Melvin
Britnee Longley Trevor and Michele Longley
Klint McClendon Roy and Frances Metzler McClendon, Grandparents Wesley and Sharon
Kent Quattlebaum Doug Quattlebaum, Cindy Richardson Grant, grandparents
Marvin and Darlene Quattlebaum
Donny Smith Lowry Smith and the late Donna Quattlebaum Smith, grandparents Marvin
and Darlene Quattlebaum, Joe and Leah Banks Smith, Great Grandparents
Edna Barnard Banks and the late Troyt Banks
Emily Switzer Mike and Annie Switzer, Charley and Velma Switzer, Joe and Leah Banks
Smith. Great Grandmother, Great Grandparents Edna Barnard Banks and
the late Troyt Banks
(Woooo, this is some background search, hope that it is all correct, please forgive me if there are mistakes.)