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Fun on Tournament Day

Challengers gave it their all...

Gettin' heated up and landing many ringers...

Spectators sit and cheer 'em on...

Friends Diane Langdale & Claudia Alison make bets
who's gonna win..Ha!

Gerry & Tina keep score....
It was a real hot day..!

Junior & Claudia cooked the ..DOGS..
Also lots of decicious (fat-free?) goodies arrived from
kind hands and hearts of friends and neighbours..

Prizes were awarded as names were drawn for:
---2 Gift Baskets of goodies
---Free Tire Rotation from Taylor & Aucoin Auto Repair, Digby
---Also 10 Lbs. Lobster

Much appreciation and thanks goes out to all who
helped make this Tournament such a wonderful day and event.
A special thanks to Scotia Fisheries Ltd. for the donation of haddock fillets.
It is our hope and plan to continue having a Tournament each year as participants are interested.
The proud owners of the Horseshoe Torunament Trophy,
James A.L.Tidd & Brandon Tidd will be prepared to
accept next years challengers to vie for the title..
This is James' 2nd win.So practice up and
come join us next year!!!!