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Village of Little River

The village of LITTLE RIVER has 80 homes with the total population being approximately
300 country folk. The Shore Road takes you winding down through the center
of the village along the River that rises and falls with the tides.
Most of the homes are ones that have been built for over 50
years. Generations of families are owners of some while others were purchased.
There have been new homes too that have added to the beauty of
Little River.

Creative gardeners show off their talents as you view their creativity around their
homes. There are four ponds that attract beavers, muskrat,birds and other wildlife.
These are also used for skating in the winter. Some for hockey games
and others for younger children and adventurous adults. For the walkers and athletes
there is a route to go around the Loop, as we call it, that
has a distance of 3 km.approx. This route takes you down the
Shore Road, up through Denton Road, down route 217 and back
to the Little River Trading, to where you started.

Several businesses are located in Little River.

The" LITTLE RIVER TRADING COMPANY LTD." is the local store. It supplies the
many needs of this community and others round about, having a large variety
of products whether it be for groceries, personal needs, fishermen needs or
boat supplies.This store has been here for over 70 years.

Be sure to take a stroll down to the wharves in summer and bring
a fishing line. Many experience the enjoyment of catching mackeral or
pollock. What a great way to get acquainted with folks and share some

The local fish plants are " SCOTIA FISHERIES LTD. "-(Robicheau & Sons)
and "OCEAN TRAWLERS LTD."(-Fred Trask) .
These plants work as much as they can through the year.
Lobsters & fish can be purchased here with friendly prompt service.

A lobster pound nearby " Fishermans Market "has lobsters available for sale.

There is a small"Llama Farm" along Route 217, owned by Gary & Marlene Trask
attract visitors. The llamas live in a safe environment here. One can have the pleasure
of feeding them and petting them at the same time.Watch out
for spitting..they are known to do this if anxious.

There is one church in Little River, the" LITTLE RIVER UNITED BAPTIST CHURCH".
Services are held every Sunday as well as Sunday School for children.

If you'd like to see a panoramic view of Little River village and St. Marys Bay
you only need to travel up Tommys Branch road to the top of the mountain,
park in the parking lot there then stroll along the trail to " OTTOVIEW Look-Off ".
There are picnic tables, kids play area, and a couple privately owned cabins along
with other interesting features along the trail and at the look-off. Check for
hours of availablity at the entryway. You will enjoy your visit here.
It is private property owned/maintained by James & Claudia Tidd(us). We open
the area to the public with the only exception being when we are
using the cabins.

I have added a variety of pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Little River Trading Company Ltd.

This local variety store provides all our needs. Fishermen
get most all their supplies here including most fishing
gear. For the
visitors/tourists who need travelling information, this can be
attained for you. The proprietors and employees are
friendly and always do service with a smile.( Royce & Joan Elderkin)

Little River Baptist Church

This church was built here over 150 years ago and has been kept
up in good condition. It is a heritage church. It remains
an active part of the community.

Ottoview Look-Off View

The panoramic view of Little River from the Ottoview Look-Off...
The walking trail to the Look-Off takes you past our
famous"Lovin's Trees" where many folks have wrote their names on foam
hearts and hung them on the trees..a memorable experience for
lovin' hearts to share a special moment.