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The Lovin's Trees vs. Dr. Douglas Denton

This spot, " Daydreamers Hideaway ", was created by Junior & I.
After clearing land here we found these wild apple
trees that had grown together.Some creative thinking and
imagination brought forth the "Lovin' Trees ". Our 2nd granddaughter,
Brianna, always had a special request when she felt
the need to be loved. She would say,"..I need
some lovin's.." which meant she wanted a hug or
to snuggle. These trees reminded me of what she said.
Time out for 'Lovin's' is very important for all
of us.

These trees can be seen on route to Ottoview Look-Off...

As of Oct. 2002 we have had the pleasure
of viewing and reading over 350 red and pink
hearts on the Lovin's Tree. It has been a thrill
to see the response to the symbol of what the
trees represent not only to me but to the hearts
of others.To stop a few moments in time
and reflect on a very important part of
our lives, does leave each one with a reminder
of what we mean to each other...

I pray God blesses all those who take the time
to share and reflect this way.

A Special Day at the " Lovin's Trees "

In August 2002 we had the pleasure of a special visit
from Dr.Douglas & Janette Denton from Wolfville, N.S.
Dr.Doug has roots here in Little River. He lived
and grew up here. He has returned year after
year. Sometimes with the whole family -( he, Janette and
their 4 children) and other times with friends. He
enjoyed the hunting season and often spent time in
the fall months to do some hunting while
at his cabin.

The visit we had with Dr.Doug this summer
will always be a special memory for us because
he had an ' AMAZING ' story to tell us about the " Lovin's Trees ".
It is a story we have to share with everyone.

It is in ' His Memory " that I tell the
story he told to us.

We had stated before about how we came across
these trees while clearing land. We thought we discovered
quite a unique thing seeing these trees as they
were. BUT in the story Dr.Doug told us with such excitement and
enthusiasum we have found out the true and
actual reason for the entwining trees that grew
like they did. As the story goes Doug
was walking these hills along with his uncle when he
himself was about 12 years old on route to
pick blueberries along the Tommys Beach road area. There
were open fields and berries a plenty then. On
this mountain top they came across several trees that
were springing up. Doug's uncle decided to put
the tops of two little trees together with
an elastic to hold them. He said " We'll see
if they will stay that way. We can come and
check them out after a few years. With that
in mind Doug decided to something the same by
taking two other trees and twisted them around each
other, pinching and tying their tops together. As time
went by and years passed Doug often came
back now and again to see if he could
find the trees but with alot of growth and
the filling in of briers, bushes, etc., he could
never find them . But the memory of them never
left him. THEN this year when asked by friends
of the village if he had seen the " Lovin's Trees "
he became curious and decided to see them and go
view the Look-Off too. As he stood beneath the
spot he suddenly felt he had been there in
that spot before and as he gazed upon the
trees he became overwhelmed as these were the trees!!!
the very trees!! He was sure of it! He was
so excited to come and tell us and also
had his wife, Janette come down to go see
them as well. So on the day they arrived
they asked Junior & I to come along to take
a picture of them there. We did, and was pleased
to have them sign their names together on a
heart and put it on the tree. What a
great day for them and us as he got
to have that special blessing given to him before
his time came to leave this earth. He
passed away in January 2003 and much sadness filled
our hearts but as we think of all the
goodness, love and kindness he gave, we look at
the heart on the tree and will always feel
it is as a ' MEMORY ' in some way to him.

We are so thankful we had the chance to have
known the other story of the " Lovin's Trees ". I have to
ask " Was it just a coincidence we found those
trees...?" I'd like to believe we were part of
an answered prayer for a man's dream to find
a part of his past that he wanted to
remember. Could it not have been a gift to
him before he left this world.? I cannot say
but I'll always wonder...How about you????