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96 Count, 2 wallChoreographed by Patricia Scottdanced to “Green Door” by The Dean Brothers

1/4 Monterey, 1/4 Monterey,1/2 Monterey, Vine, touch, hip bumps
Touch R to side turning 1/4 R, touch R beside L, Touch L to side turning 1/4 L, 
Step L beside R, Touch R to side turning 1/2 R, touch L to side, step L to R
Vine R, touch L, step L to 45, bump L R L R
Side toe strut, jazz box toe struts, cross, hold, unwind (pop), hip, hip, hip
Step L toe strut, Cross R toe strut, back L toe strut, side R toe strut
Cross L over R, Hold, unwind, pop R knee to L,hip bumps R,L,R,L 
Step R Hold, hinge L foot to R, hold, hinge R foot to L, hold, L Kickball C
Step L Hold, hinge R foot to L, hold, hinge L foot to R, hold, R Kickball C
Side shuffle R, rock back, recover, side shuffle to L, rock back, recover
Step R to R, kick L across, step down on L, kick R, kick R, R sailor cross
Side shuffle L, rock back, recover, side shuffle to R, rock back, recover
Step L to L, kick R across, step down on R, kick L, kick L, L sailor cross
Walk forward RLR kick (clap) Back LRL Touch R
1/2 Monterey, stomp, kick, behind side together.
Touch R to side turning 1/2 R, step R beside, touch L to L, Stomp L, kick L at 
45, step L behind R, step R to side, step L beside R.
FINISHAfter 4 sequences, facing front, on the 5th sequence only do from step 49 (side shuffles to R, step and kicks, side shuffles to L, to count 72,) and ADDstep L to L, kick R across L, step R. kick L, step down on L kick R across, step on R kick L across, step on L kick R across and do a slow cross unwind full turn to face front.
4 Sequences and then the finish
2 x 1/4 Montereys 1/2 Monterey.Vine and bumps,toe struts, cross unwind and bumps,hinges and kick ball change (twice),side shuffles,kicks,side shuffles,kicks,walks,monterey, stomp andbehind side together

Enjoy - Da Ridge:)