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Example of Photographic Documentation of a Mill, Black & White Photos of the Machinery of Diller-Heishman's Mill, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, Photo #15.

Photo Number 15, Eureka separating and special close scouring machine.
The S. Howes Company, Silver Creek, New York, No. 0.

Photo Information and Machinery Documentation

Photo Number: #15.
Floor Number-Item Numbers: 3/6, (See: Floor Level 3. Third Floor Plan)
Items in Photo: Eureka separating and special close scouring machine. Provenance - Manufacturer (if known): Robinson Mfg. Co., Muncy, Pennsylvania.
Dimensions, Yield, Capacity, Output, and Additional Information: No. 0.
Catalog Documentation: Various catalogs, Grain Cleaning Mill Machinery, The S. Howes Co., Silver Creek, New York. U. S. A.

Side Section of a Horizontal Scourer.

Wolf Horizontal Wheat Scourer
(from the Wolf Company Catalog)

Service is the balance between quality and price and where a standard scourer is desired the Wolf Horizontal gives service. Running balance, efficiency, durability, perfect control of air currents, well balanced air separations and accurate scouring are distinctive features of this machine.

Built of the same staunch construction as all Wolf Machines. The main shaft bearings are carried by heavy iron bridge trees at head and tail ends. The beaters are adjustable and a movable disk is provided for regulating the pressure to the eye of the fan.

The exhaust fan carries off all dust and impurities, leaving the grain as clean and bright as can be made by any system of dry cleaning.

A valuable feature of all Wolf Scourers is the perfect ventilation of the souring case. The slots in all Wolf Cases are machine cut - not cored. This method insures regular spaced and uniform size openings which are a necessity for proper scouring of the grain.

Built with or without Shoe and either Collar Oiling or Ball Bearings.

This page is presented by Theodore R. Hazen & Pond Lily Mill Restorations

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