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Coffee Time Romance

More Than Prophecy
Ebook: ISBN: 159279324X
Paperback ISBN: 1592798071
Shannon Leigh
Amber Quill Press
January 1, 2005

Cheyenne arrives at her home and suddenly finds herself in the midst of a strange storm and swept through a magical portal. Deposited half-naked near a forest on a strange world Cheyenne is disoriented and frightened. Cheyenne sees Lord Darian and his men on a journey to a neighboring town and when their eyes meet, an instant attraction develops between them. Cheyenne flees but is soon captured by Darian.

Darian is sexually attracted to Cheyenne; however, he does not want to accept the fact that all evidence points to Cheyenne being the woman spoken of in an ancient prophecy. A prophecy that states a woman will come from Earth to bear a child who will end the warring between the Ramekah and Andreas clans and bring peace to their planet. If Cheynne is that women in the prophecy, Darian will not be able to claim Cheyenne for himself. Following the terms of the prophecy, would open the quest for Cheyenne and the chance to father her child to any high born male on his planet including Lord Ramekah and his evil brother Chris; but to not reveal the existence of Cheyenne to the other nobles of the planet would be considered treason.

Ms. Leigh starts with a bang and keeps the thrills coming to culminate with a climatic finish that was completely satisfying. Ms. Leigh is a superb storyteller and the story kept me guessing on how the couple would overcome the obstacles to their relationship. I found myself quickly immersed in the story of the brave and feisty Cheyenne and delectable Darian and cheering for a happy ending for the couple. Darian is irresistible. Cheyenne is an intriguing multi faceted heroine who the reader can identify with and cheer for. She wants Darian to love her and not to be an object that is wanted only because of a prophecy. The romance between the couple is endearing. The story also has two secondary characters Gavin and Lord Ramekah who I hope we will see in future stories from Ms. Leigh. This story is definitely among my favorites and will be one I will look forward to reading again.

--Jennifer Brooks
Coffee Time Romance

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