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Crystal Reviews

More Than Prophecy
Ebook: ISBN: 159279324X
Paperback ISBN: 1592798071
Shannon Leigh
Amber Quill Press
January 1, 2005

A young woman, Cheyenne, experiences a wild, violent storm after which she awakens in a strange land. She quickly realizes that she is surrounded by a band of some type of warriors, one especially who dazzlers her with his good looks and piercing, mesmerizing gaze. But he and his band have a highly threatening appearance as well, and so Cheyenne attempts to escape in a heavily wooded, haunted forest.

Athletic as she is, Cheyenne is captured and extra efforts are made to see that she does not escape again, extra efforts that only increase as the band members gradually come to realize that she bears a particular mark that bodes the fulfillment of a prophecy.

Before that knowledge reaches everyone’s attention, however, it seems each member of the band is out to seduce Cheyenne, since the law of their land allows permits such sexual dalliance with a single unknown female. They are all out for a shock, however, as Cheyenne has both fear of and deeply growing romantic feelings toward Lord Darian Andreas. While he is also attracted to her, he has only sexual dalliance in mind as he is riddled with hurting memories of his own, from a former lover and brother and from the mixture of that history with the mission he knows he must fulfill by bearing her to the completion of the prophecy. Complex, indeed, is this tale, although it doesn’t move so quickly initially.

Cheyenne has not discovered how much she should fear but is about to do so.

Can the prophecy be fulfilled without the intrusive possessiveness, garish brutality and determined grasping for power of Lord Darian’s brother and his twisted accomplice?

What future and power awaits the Lady Cheyenne and how will these grasping but withdrawing characters fit into that plan? Is Cheyenne to remain in this foreign kingdom, never to return to her beloved America?

Although this story moves rather slowly in the middle of the novel, it quickly picks up and provides an intriguing, adventurous romantic read that will engage all lovers of mystery and passion.

--Viviane Crystal
Crystal Reviews

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