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Enchanted In Romance

More Than Prophecy
Ebook: ISBN: 159279324X
Paperback ISBN: 1592798071
Shannon Leigh
Amber Quill Press
January 1, 2005

Cheyenne, a young half Native American nurse, is swept up in an interplanetary portal and finds herself marooned in Zandar, a world that resembles ancient Scotland in many ways both in its unrest and brutality. Finding herself half-naked and alone in the wildness, she stumbles to a hill to find some sign of civilization. Instead her eyes zero in on Darian Andreas, an imposing and intimidating Lord who’s used to getting what he wants. The moment that he sees her, he decides she is meant to be his in every way.

Cheyenne is not the type of woman to allow a man to set her destiny. As Darian tries to thrust his choices upon her, she fights back with spirit and strength. When she realizes that he is the man she wants, Chris, Darian’s cruel and ruthless brother, kidnaps her to take her for himself. Through her ordeals, she finds herself falling in love with Darian’s dominance and tenderness. Even though she loves him greatly, she is confused as to whether Darian truly loves her or is in fact using her to get back at his brother.

Darian’s distrust centers on his deep-seated hatred for his brother, the same brother who caused Darian’s broken heart by sleeping with his ex-fiancé. Although his arrogance, jealously, and doubt cloud his judgment, he still falls for the charming Cheyenne and has difficultly expressing his true feelings to her. He learns through his own mistakes that his means of protecting his heart is actually hurting Cheyenne and making her doubt his love.

When he finally realizes that he must be honest with both himself and Cheyenne, the reason for her arrival in Zandar comes to the surface: Cheyenne is the prophesied barer of the fated child of peace. As required by law, he must inform the kingdom of her arrival and fight the other lords to win both her heart and her hand in marriage.

More Than Prophecy is the type of book to draw you in and not let you take a break until the end. The characters have an emotional appeal and an intensity that caused me very extreme feelings. I felt Cheyenne’s anger at her suitors’ belief that she was little more than the barer of the child of peace. I saw the fear she experienced when Chris tried to force himself upon her. I sensed the deep confusion she felt over two wonderful men who were in love with her.

Overall, Shannon Leigh has created a remarkable world with deeply enjoyable characters, as well as easily hated ones. More Than Prophecy is high on my "will read again" list.

Enchanted In Romance

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